The Rogue Knight: 20 1/2

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Jaces POV:

Trillian waved a hand, and Kendal was gone.
"What did you do to her?" I said.
"I woke her." He said simply.
"Do you know how they can get back to there home?" I asked quietly, looking at the ground.
"I do," Trillian said. "Just as I know that you think she is going to leave if they do find a way. But let me tell you this. Her decision is not as divided as you think. She does not know if she will leave if she gets the opportunity. Part of her even wants to stay here."
My head snapped up. "She wants to stay?" I had never though she would want to stay. Part of me always wanted to ask her, but I knew I couldn't. It would be selfish of me to ask her to leave her world behind because of my feelings.
"Part of her, yes." Trillian said. "But, I do advise you not to bring it up. Make sure it is completely her own decision. I know that may be hard, given how much you care about her, but you mustn't pressure her."
For a moment I had totally forgotten that Trillian could read my mind, so it surprised me that he knew exactly what I was thinking. Did she really want to stay?

The Outskirts: The Rogue Knight (Jace x OC) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now