The Rogue Knoght: 16

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The audience watched in stunned silence as the Rogue Knight crouched and picked up his sword. With a flourish, he raised Verity high, and the assemblage burst into applause.
I was on my feet. Everyone else had stood up as well.
"No way!" Jace yelled in amazement. He was practically jumping up and down. Even though he was yelling, I could hardly hear him over the noise of the crowd. "That didn't just happen! Did you see that?" I had to laugh at his expression.
I had seen. The Dreadknight had lost in a big way.
Moving to the center of the arena floor, the Rogue Knight absorbed the adulation for a long moment before sheathing his blade and raising his hands to calm the cheering. The crowd began to quiet down and sit.
The Dreadknight's twelve knights gathered around his still body. They withdrew the huge sword from him and removed his helmet. The arena became silent. Because of the distance and those huddled around him, I couldn't see the Dreadknight well, but I could tell that he had gray hair.
With the tension of the fight over, it hit me that we'd just watched a man die. This wasn't some action movie it had really happened, right in front of him. I glanced quickly at Dalton and Cole and saw that they looked ill.
"Now he's the Deadknight," Jace murmured.
The Rogue Knight raised a hand to speak. "Knights of the Dreadknight," he called. "Do you confirm that I have won this challenge?"
One of the knights took off his own helm. He had longish brown hair and a trimmed beard. "I am Desmond Engle, first knight of the knights of Edgemont. The Dreadknight has fallen. You are the new champion of Edgemont, Rogue Knight. Have you a name?"
"The people have bestowed on me the title "Rogue Knight," he answered. "It suits me for now. The alderman of Edgemont and all who serve under him are hereby relieved of their positions. I would like to meet with the former knights of Edgemont in order to discuss possibilities of continued service. The guardsmen of Edgemont are now under my command, and will defend this city from any outside incursion. Until further notice, there will be no tax burden placed on the people of Edgemont."
Enthusiastic cheers greeted his final statement. The Rogue Knight waited for the reaction to die down.
"It has not escaped my attention," the Rogue Knight continued, "that during the night, guardsmen from neighboring cities, principally Merriston, accompanied by a large group of legionnaires, have taken up positions at the outskirts of our city. The coward Rustin Sage wants to arrest me as a criminal rather than face the challenge I made to him more than three fortnights ago. I have won all my championdin legally, but when I tried to pressure Rustin to do his duty and fight me, and he declared me an outlaw. Rustin Sage seeks escape justice, and in the process, he threatens to undo our system of government."
Murmurs percolated through the arena. Some people seemed to support the Rogue Knight. Others grumbled against him.
"If you are not a fighter, I suggest you return to your homes," the Rogue Knight said. "Knights, guardsmen, and fighting men of Edgemont, I implore you to do your duty and defend Edgemont from any aggressors. Merriston has no authority here. Not even the High King has the right to come here and unseat your champion."
The crowd reacted with some outrage, but I didn't think it felt like enough. Many people mumbled to one another uncertainly. Some men and women shook their heads. Several in the crowd began to make their way toward the exits.
"I hope the neighboring cities are bluffing," the Rogue Knight said. "If they have come in earnest to violate the laws of the land and wrest away my championship, we will resist them. I will now retire to Blackmont Castle with my knights and the Dreadknight's men to make preparations."
"Permission to remove the Dreadknight's remains before we join you at the castle?" Desmond asked.
"Granted," the Rogue Knight replied. "But I need access to Blackmont "
"Understood," Desmond said. "I will send Oster with you to acquaint you with the accommodations and defenses. You fought well today, Rogue Knight. Your victory was duly
Scattered applause greeted the observation. Most people were now leaving. I wondered how much support the Rogue Knight would have against the soldiers who wanted to apprehend him.
The Rogue Knight strode over to his knights. He gestured toward Mira in the stands, and I saw her coming down a ladder to join them on the floor of the arena. Her obedience appeared voluntary.
"We have to get down there," I said. "This could be our only chance to join up with them."
"Right," Jace agreed. "Come on."
As a tide of bodies flowed toward the exits, me, Cole, Jace, Dalton, Skye, and Sultan worked our way toward the arena floor. Mira now stood near the Rogue Knight. Several guardsmen approached him, perhaps seeking orders.
Working together, four knights carried the Dreadknight between them. A fifth reverently bore his broadsword.
"Let's shed our seemings," Skye announced. "Nobody is going to bother us now. If Mira sees us, she might help us get access."
The others suddenly looked like themselves, so I assumed that I did too. Skye had insisted on doing all the seemings this time. The Rogue Knight and Mira moved toward a door on the arena floor that led under the grandstands. I tried to hurry, but the press of people in the overfilled arena made it difficult. I saw Mira scanning the crowd, but her eyes never settled in our direction. If she left with the Rogue Knight, it would be hard to catch up! The castle would be sealed against intruders.
A flicker of motion off to the side caught my eye.
I turned to see a winged figure soaring over the crowd and down toward the arena floor. A couple of knights reached for weapons as the figure landed with a shimmer of insectile wings, but Mira ran to Twitch and waved the knights away.
Turning, Twitch pointed up to the stands. Following his finger, I saw Joe making his way down toward Mira. By the time Joe reached the base of the grandstands, we had as well. Mira finally looked my way. Her face lit up when she saw me, and she motioned for me to join her.
I found a ladder down to the arena floor. Me, Cole, Dalton, Jace, Skye, and Sultan caught up to Mira at the same time as Joe. Mira was beaming. "I'm so happy you all found me!" she said. "I was watching for you!"
"Are you all right?" I asked, still unsure whether they needed to make a run for it while the crowd continued to pour out of the arena.
Mira glanced toward the Rogue Knight. "Pretty much. At least we have a way into Blackmont Castle."
"You're not a prisoner?" Cole checked.
"I am," Mira said hesitantly. "But the Rogue Knight isn't all bad. We're kind of working together for now. Is that—Are you Dalton?" she asked Dalton.
He smiled back at her. "Yep."
Cole looked like he was about to explode. "We found him at the confidence lounge, and he's coming with us now to help us find Honor!"
"We can explain everything later," Jace cut in, "Where were you?" he asked Twitch.
"Joe and I couldn't get in for the duel," Twitch explained. "But after people started leaving, nobody checked who entered."
The Rogue Knight approached them, "Mira, we have to go."
"These are my friends," Mira said,
"I remember all but these two," the Rogue Knight said, indicating Sultan and Dalton.
"I'm here to help," Sultan pledged.
"We could use help," the Rogue Knight said. "I expect an attack within the hour." He gestured at Cole. "Some among you have more to them than meets the eye. Mira, you want them with us?"
"Yes," she said.
"Very well, join us in the castle. There is much to be done."
Surrounded by knights, we exited the arena through a tunnel under the stands. I fell into step beside Mira.
"You're really okay?" I asked quietly.
"I'm better now," she said. "I was worried I'd never find you guys."
"Does he know who you are?" I whispered, glancing ahead at the Rogue Knight.
"Yeah," Mira said. "He knew when he took me. I didn't deny it."
"What's he like?" I asked.
"Except for kidnapping me, he's been great. He's
considerate and protective. He's reasonable and fair. It was my idea to come here."
"He knows about your sister?" I asked.
Mira nodded. "That's how I convinced him. It's the main reason we came. He wants to find her too."
"What if he takes you both captive?"
"It's a possibility," Mira said, "Better him than Blackmon Castle. He's against the High King. We'll have to play it by ear. I'm so glad you tracked down Dalton!"
I turned and motioned Dalton forward. Dalton trotted closer and gave a little wave. "I've heard a lot about you."
"Same," Mira said. "I'm glad they found you. It's been their top priority."
Dalton grinned. "Things have gotten more exciting since they showed up."
"Hold on tight," Mira replied. "It's going to get worse before it gets better."
I couldn't resist smiling. It was weird to see worlds colliding— one of my best friends in Elloweer talking to one of my best friends from back home.
We exited the arena and moved up a wide, paved road toward Blackmont Castle. I noticed Jace hanging back. I tried to get his attention, but Jace deliberately avoided eye contact.
The Rogue Knight was speaking to the knight Desmond had sent with him. I edged forward to hear better.
" . . . most of them don't want anything to do with you," Oster was saying. "We were approached last night by men speaking for Rustin Sage. In the event of the Dreadknight losing,  they promised we would all be reinstated as knights under a new champion if we helped defeat you. The Dreadknight threw them out. He told us that if he fell, we needed to serve the new champion. But most of the knights met with those emissaries privately. You won't see most of them again unless they attack you. I expect similar loyalty from the guardsmen. Desmond will hold true, as will I, which is why he sent me with you. Raul will hold true as well. Probably no others."
"It's less than I hoped, but more than I expected," the Rogue Knight said. "I appreciate your candor and loyalty. It will be rewarded. Our first order of business will be to visit the secret prisoner."
"There is more than one," Oster said.
"One is more secret than the others," the Rogue Knight said.
"Perhaps, but that prisoner-" Oster began.
"Is now under my control," the Rogue Knight finished. "We cannot win the coming battle by force. Bargaining may be necessary."
Oster tapped the side of his nose. "Savvy thought. You're no fool."
"It's seldom listed among my faults," the Rogue Knight said. "Can you confirm the identity of the prisoner?"
"I have no idea," Oster said. "Only the Dreadknight knew, along with a few of those Enforcer types who come and go. The rest of us never even glimpsed the prisoner. But you're right. You now have the authority to find out."
"Make that our first destination," the Rogue Knight said.
We walked through the yawning gates of Blackmon Castle and into a courtyard built to intimidate. Jace pointed out a row of brownish skulls mounted on spikes. I noticed a collection of yellowed rib cages. The Rogue Knight ordered the gates closed behind them. He then sent three of his knights to ensure they stayed shut.
Oster led the way into the castle itself. They climbed stairs and traversed halls. Guardsmen saluted as they passed.
At length they reached a sturdy iron door guarded by two men in armor.
"Meet the Rogue Knight," Oster said to the guards. "He's the new champion of Edgemont."
"Open the door and stand aside," the Rogue Knight ordered.
The guards glanced at each other uncomfortably. One of them cleared his throat. "We can't let you pass."
"I'm the champion of this town and the master of this castle," the Rogue Knight said, one hand resting on the hilt of his sword. "Step aside, or you will be executed for treason."
"Our orders come from a higher authority," one of the guards explained.
I noticed Dalton backing up. It looked like a fight was brewing.
The Rogue Knight drew his sword. "There is no higher authority in my town or in my castle," he said, his voice soft but adamant. "Final warning." The knights behind the Rogue Knight took out their weapons as well.
"He just dispatched the Dreadknight in single combat," Oster stressed. "Do you really want to resist his orders?"
"He'll be champion for a matter of minutes," one of the guards said. "Are you sure you want to side with him and face execution by the Enforcers?"
"By all laws and traditions, the Rogue Knight is our true champion," Oster said. "Must you insist on an immediate death? Are you that loyal to the High King's attack dogs?"
"We know our duty," the other guard said. "The Dreadknight had permission to access the prisoner. No other person outside the Enforcers has been authorized."
"I admire your commitment to your duty," the Rogue Knight said. "Unfortunately, your allegiance is misplaced. I find you guilty of treason." The Rogue Knight made a gesture with two fingers.
I looked away as two knights stepped forward. I heard weapons clash a couple of times. When I looked back, the guards were on the ground. Crouching, Oster retrieved a set of keys.
Dalton gaped at the fallen guards with wide eyes. I met Daltons gaze and saw my own revulsion reflected there. Jace, on the other hand, appeared unfazed by the violence. But when I met his eyes, I saw a flash of fear that I knew he was trying to cover up. He grabbed my hand and I laced my fingers with his. When I looked back to Dalton and Cole, Dalton was staring at our intertwined hands in confusion. He looked at Cole, who shook his head like 'not now.'
"How many other guards?" the Rogue Knight asked.
"Ten, I believe," Oster said, inserting a key into the iron door and hauling it open.
"Will they surrender?" the Rogue Knight inquired.
"Doubtful," Oster said. "They will have been briefed the same as these two."
The Rogue Knight turned to his knights. "Go ahead of us. Give any guards you encounter the chance to surrender. Explain my victory and my intentions. If they insist on treason, execute them."
"Let me accompany your knights," Oster said. "The guards know me. As second knight, I was third in command here. At least they'll know the tale of your victory is authentic if it comes from my lips."
"Very well," the Rogue Knight agreed.
"You'll find the prisoner at the very top of the stairs," Oster said. "T'll await you there."
Six knights and Oster hurried through the door and up the stone steps, leaving the Rogue Knight alone with Mira, me, Cole, Dalton, Jace, Twitch, Joe, Skye, and Sultan. The Rogue Knight turned to address them.
"Some of you possess enchanting abilities," he said.
"I do," Skye replied. "As does Sultan. These two have some skill as well."
"It is only a matter of time before we are attacked from within and without," the Rogue Knight said. "If necessary, I can fight my way free with my knights, but I won't be able to protect Mira and Honor against the numbers I expect to combine against us. Your talents may be required to get the princesses to safety."
"You'll let us go?" Mira asked.
"I never had any intent to harm you," the Rogue Knight said. "I hoped that your company might improve my chances of securing the duels I desire. But today, keeping you with me could injure you."
"What are you trying to accomplish with your duels?" Mira asked.
The Rogue Knight paused. "I want to take back Elloweer. Just as your father dealt with you unjustly, he has dealt unfairly with the kingdoms under his stewardship. The office of High Shaper was never meant for a dictator. Your father drove four of the five Grand Shapers into hiding and claimed ownership of kingdoms that should have benefitted from his protection. He invokes arcane and questionable powers to secure his position and accomplish his aims. We are only beginning to see the destruction his greed will produce. Somebody has to stop him."
"Why not work with the resistance?" Skye asked. "The Unseen?"
"You have your methods," the Rogue Knight replied. "I have mine. I'll work with you today, if you will protect the princesses."
"We're here to serve them," Skye assured him.
"I hope so," the Rogue Knight said. "If I entrust them to your care, I will hold you personally responsible for their welfare."
"What do you know of the threat to the northwest?" Skye asked. "The monster Morgassa."
"I haven't heard that name," the Rogue Knight said. "I know of the monster. Although the creature is coming in this direction, I understand that it remains several days away."
I heard voices from up the stairs, followed by the
sharp clang of metal against metal. Silence followed.
"This way," the Rogue Knight said.
They curved up the stairs to a large room where several guards lay dead. An iron door stood open, leading to another staircase. More voices could be heard from above. After, few moments, hurried footsteps tromped down the states.
The Halfknight came into view. "The way to the highest cell is clear," the undersize knight reported. "The three guards up top surrendered and are being imprisoned."
"Well done," the Rogue Knight said. "Lead on, Minimus," They followed the small knight up the winding stair, past several iron doors with peepholes that opened from the outside. I wondered who else was kept in this high-security tower. Were there any possible allies here who could help them out? Could any of the kids from Arizona have ended up here?
My legs were burning with exertion by the time they reached the top of the stairs. Oster and the other knights awaited them there.
"My knights will now return to the bottom of the tower and prevent anyone from coming up. I will be down before long to arrange our defenses."
As the knights descended the stairs, the Rogue Knight regarded Oster. "You have the key?"
Oster unlocked the iron door at the top of the stairs, and I shifted into position to peek inside. Would they have Honor chained up? Had she heard the guards fighting? Did she know rescuers were coming?
When Oster heaved the door open, the Rogue Knight moved in front of us, blocking our view. The Rogue Knight directed Oster to stand aside and deferred to Mira. "After you." Mira went through the doorway, followed by the Rogue Knight. I went after them, followed by everyone else.
The cell was not what I had expected. The room had carpets on the floors, tapestries on the wall, and a canopied bed. One wall supported shelves full of colorful books. Many toys were scattered about: a wooden rocking horse, a pretend sword, several marionettes, dozens of marbles, platoons of toy soldiers, a drum, and a few stuffed animals. A number of chests and trunks housed other mysteries.
On the far side of the room, seated at a low table, was a boy of six or seven years, drawing on a small blackboard with a hunk of chalk. He looked up at Mira and the others who had intruded on him, more curious than startled.
Me and Jace exchanged a look of confusion. The prisoner was a little kid?
"Hello," I said in a kind voice.
"Hi," the kid answered. "Who are you?"
"I'm Kendal. This is Mira," I said, gesturing to her. "Do you stay here alone?"
"Most of the time," the boy said. "Zola brings my food. Vince comes by. And those other guys sometimes. Are we going somewhere?"
"Maybe," Mira said. "Why do you ask?"
"All the new people," the boy said. He pointed at the Rogue Knight. "That one is a fighter like Vince."
"Yes," Mira said.
"Do you kill people?" the boy asked the Rogue Knight.
"Sometimes," the Rogue Knight said.
"Your side got bashed in," the boy said. "Somebody tried to kill you."
"That's right," the Rogue Knight said.
"Are you a good guy or a bad guy?" the boy asked.
"He's mostly good," I assured him.
"Vince has to fight a guy today," the boy said, "Sometimes good guys have to fight."
I realized that Vince must be the Dreadknight. I hoped nobody told the kid what had just happened.
"How long have you been here?" Mira asked sweetly.
"Lots of days," the kid said. He started drawing again.
"Do you like it here?" I asked.
The boy shrugged. "It's better than the other place. I thought I would get to go home, but not yet."
"Where is home?" Mira asked.
"Ohio," the boy said. "My town is called Springboro."
My eyebrows shot up, and I exchanged a glance with Cole and Dalton. Another kid from our world!
"Where was the other place?" Mira asked. "The worse place?"
"Dreamland," the boy said. "It was scary there. The skeletons wanted to eat me."
I paused and glanced at Mira, wondering if she had made the same realization. "What's your name?"
"I'm Brady."

The Outskirts: The Rogue Knight (Jace x OC) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now