The Rogue Knight: 8

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I knocked on Mira's door. She opened it almost immediately.
"Hey," she said. She was wearing a green shirt and leggings, much like my blue shirt and leggings.
"Ready to head to the boys room?" I asked.
"Yep!" She said, locking her door and closing it.
"They've got to be done changing by now," I said as we rounded the corner.
We knocked on the door when we reached it, but there was no answer, so I pushed it open.
My jaw dropped. The boys were standing on furniture, only in there dress pants, flinging pillows and one another and yelling roasts.
Me and Mira gawked at the boys, who still hadn't noticed us. Cole was on a desk, Dalton was getting pelted with pillows from where he stood on the bed, and Jace was balancing on a nightstand.
Time seemed to slow down I watched them. I couldn't tear my eyes away from Jace. His tan skin showed impressive muscle tone. His dark tousled hair hung in waves in front of his beautiful eyes.
He suddenly glanced over at us. His eyes widened in shock. "Code red!" He yelled jokingly to the boys. "Code red! Girls staring and falling in love with us! Code red!"
It took me a minute to realize I was still staring. But Mira had cleared her head. "Pfft. No. We were laughing at how dumb you guys look." I frantically nodded my head.
Jace looked unconvinced. He hopped off the dresser and walked over to me. "What about you?" I blushed when I realized our close proximity. We were so close, I could feel his warm breath on my cheeks. "So you weren't just staring at me with heart eyes?"
I saw Mira frantically mouthing, no!, in the background.
I swallowed. It was ridiculous how hard it was for me to focus. Snap out of it! It doesn't matter if the cutest boy you've ever met is standing in front of you shirtless! "No?" I mentally smacked myself as it came out as a question.
All the boys laughed. Cole and Dalton put their shirts on.
"Smooth." Mira muttered to me. I just smacked her lightly on the shoulder.
Dalton chucked a shirt at Jace, and he pulled it over his head. I was kind of sad to see him out it back on. It's not everyday you get to see your crush shirtless.
We ended up playing card games the rest of the night, before we split off to go to sleep.

The Outskirts: The Rogue Knight (Jace x OC) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now