The Rogue Knight: 18 1/2

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Jaces POV:

I woke up hearing voices.
"They need to suck it up and admit there feelings." Said one voice.
"Don't wake them." Another voice whispered. "They look so cute."
I opened my eyes to find Mira and Dalton staring down at me. Last nights memories came flooding back and I remembered that Kendal was with me.
She was sleeping peacefully, in the same position as last night. My arm was wrapped around her, and she had her head against my chest.
"Your awake!" Mira said.
"Shut up," I groaned, rubbing my eyes. "She's sleeping."
Kendal shifted. Her eyes opened and her beautiful blue eyes met mine, then she saw Mira and Dalton, and her eyes widened. We both scrambled to get up as Dalton and Mira snickered.
"Not a word." Kendal said, shooting a glare at them.
They just laughed.

Sorry this is so short, I just thought I would be fun.

The Outskirts: The Rogue Knight (Jace x OC) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now