Chapter 11: Fear The Reaper

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Lydia stood in awe and surprise at my power. She likely was still surprised at the idea I was the Old Devil from years ago. She was now one of very few that still knew exactly who I was. The twins still had some confidence in themselves, assuming likely their numbers would give them the edge they needed. I would enjoy driving fear into them, showing them exactly how far apart we were. It was time for a reality check.

I rush the right twin and elbow him right on the nose, which sends him sailing through the air. The left twin shoots a blast of wind at me, surprised at my power's speed boost. However, it also makes me significantly stronger and more resistant to magic attacks. This wind that would have pushed me earlier, is now hardly a breeze. I push through it and grab him by his wrists, spin, and toss him over by the right twin. I aim my hand and shoot a monstrous fireball at the pair. It impacts the ground at their feet and explodes violently, sending tremors and shockwaves across the area.

I stand there waiting, the attack should have hurt, but not killed. They are scheming again, I know it. I can feel one of them moving, but the other has disappeared, I wonder where. Through the smoke of my explosion one of the twins shoots a rock at me as he runs towards me. I swipe the air in front of me, and the rock crumbles to dust before it's anywhere near me. I duck under a flying kick from the twin and turn to fire another attack at him. From under the ground behind me, the other twin appears and kicks at the side of my head. I raise a hand and block the kick as the first twin also swoops in. I grab his fist in my palm, while also resisting the added pressure from the other twin.

"Clever little foxes aren't you," I say smiling now back at them. I can feel their frustration building slowly. With frustration will come impatience, and with that will come errors, and I will exploit every single one until I've had my fill. Unsure now which twin was the left and right one, I shall now label them based on where they are now. The left twin is the one in front of me, and the right one is behind me.

A blast of wind from my back sends the right twin backward away from me. I grab the left twin's wrist and pull him into a sharp sidekick to the chest which knocks him through the air. Both land and begin circling me like sharks, running faster and faster. One launches a rock amid his run, the other shoots a fireball at me. I turn my back to the rock and face the fireball, I throw my left elbow back and the rock breaks against my arm. I shoot my right arm forward and a blast of wind blows the fireball away. The two continue to circle me, sending rocks, fireballs, blasts of wind, anything they can send to hit me. Nothing works, I can resist their winds, and block everything else.

This game bored me quite quickly. I spin and swing my arm out and from it extends a long circular flame out towards the twins. It doesn't connect, but it forces them to stop running to stop the flames from hitting them.

I fly at the right twin as a fireball forms in my hand and when I reach him, I let it explode against his chest. The left twin is approaching from behind, an army of rocks and fire behind him. Before he reaches me, he sends about twenty different attacks at me from different angles. Making things interesting I see. I evade each attack as it comes sailing in, stepping, leaping, spiraling, dodging effortlessly and gracefully.

The left twin finally comes in with a punch behind everything. I get my arm inside of his and stop him from ever swinging his arm. His other arm comes up with a fireball in hand. I push my other hand through his flames and squish them between my hand and his wrist. I turn my hip towards him, and kick the inside of his knee, knocking him off balance. I push him with my shoulder to make him stumble and swing the back of my hand up so it hits him in the forehead. I follow it up with an elbow to the gut, which knocks his feet from under him, and he sits on all fours.

The right twin returns from being blasted away a moment ago. I stomp my heel on the ground and a rock sticks up from the ground and hits him in the chin, knocking him in the air. I grab his ankle and spin until he swings and smashes through the rock I hit him with. I swing him over my head and slam him into the ground. The left twin shoots a fireball at my side, I can tell by his stance he's winded still. I use my free hand and catch the fireball in my palm, and push it back with an addition of my own power. The fireball hits him in his chest and knocks him down onto his back.

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