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Not necessarily a romantic ship, but I dig the chaos these 2 make together...

And... Also... Surprise surprise!

We have no au today!

Yeah this is a rare one in here :'3

Anyway... Let's see the plot: Trey makes a bet with Riddle. Unfortunately, Riddle didn't exactly forsee what task he will actually receive and now he has to either back away and lose the bet... Or smash his pride aside and ask for someone's help.

Oh the chaos is boiling in this one...

Full no one pov, cuz I am like that

Now onto the pranks!

Title: Betting, breaking, bonding

Trey was humming a little tune as he gently set down the fresh cake from the oven, grabbing a knife, the Greenhead only cut it horizontally in half, getting ready to put the inside filling on it.


Trey only exhaled and rolled his eyes. He didn't need to look in order to know that by now, a poor rulebreaker was waddling around with a chunky metal collar at their neck. Hearing some heels on the marble floor of the kitchen, Trey also knew who exactly entered in there.

"You collared again someone today..." "They painted the roses blue! Of all colors!" the annoyed Riddle replied. "And here I thought you would actually be more lenient." Trey pointed with his little cleam filled spoon towards the redhead.

"I bet you cannot even bring yourself to break a school rule..." "Eh?! Where that came from?" "Well... It is very obvious... The rules in here are easy to break or ignore... But the school rules are very specific..." the taller replied. "Everyone broke at least one... Except you... You probably won't be able to break any school rule..."

At this, Riddle puffed. "Then it will only be fair to see that I can't see you being a responsible Dormhead..." "Are you... Challenging me?" "Perhaps..." Trey only left his instruments on the table, smiling mischievously as he crossed his arms.

"Then... Would you like a bet?"

Riddle only rose a brow, making a motion for the other to continue. "the terms are simple..." Trey trailed. "You will have to break a rule... And not a simple rule... But a big one... While you try to achieve that... I will be the Heartslabyul Dormhead... If you give up before you fulfill your task... You lose... If I give up, I lose..." "And what is the prize and punishment?" the redhead inquired.

"Let's see... Well... For a prize... I would see fit that the winner will recieve from the loser a big pack of strawberry gummy bears from Sam's." "Ah... Those expensive gummies?" "mhm... As for the punishment..." Trey trailed.

"The loser will have to wear a maid dress for a whole day, including the classes..."

Riddle hummed, extending his arm. "Alright... We have a deal..." "wait... You actually are on with this?" the other hummed. "While the task at hand is outrageous... Maybe you will learn something out of it... Like... How rowdy the dorm can actually be..."

At this, Trey only hummed as he grabbed the other's hand and shook it. "The bet is on, Rosehearts..." "Alright! Consider it my vacation!" Riddle smiled as he put on the other's head the crown. "you are a Dormhead... I don't have anymore the obligation to care if this place ends up in shambles..." the redhead hummed as he left.

"What exactly did I sign up for?" Trey quietly questioned himself.

It was not like Riddle didn't know what to have to do in order to win. It was not that he didn't have materials and resources to do it. It was not like he wasn't skilled enough to pull such a thing.

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