Chapter 3

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Camila PoV
It's been a while and I was thinking of checking up on my mom to make her she's doing good. I'm currently reading a book and it's at such a good part I don't wanna put it down just yet. "Babe, babe .... Aaauuustinn psssttt" ugh he's asleep.
"Hello, would you like any beverage or food item" the flight attendants were going around asking. "I'll take a water and a pizza with pineapples". "Sounds good it'll be out in just a sec" the flight attendant said. Ughh I really wanted some candy but I know they don't have any and I forgot to get some at the airport. I looked over at Austin and he's in a deep deep sleep. Some people are saying I moved on too fast from Shawn but Shawn and I have had our differences for a while before the official breakup and during that time I learned a lot with him. I learned how to be loved and cared for, learning what's a healthy relationship and growing as an individual. Shawn and I had bought a home together in L.A and I recently just sold it. The memories of a pasted relationship was too much to come home too knowing the emptiness it carried . Shawn and I still remain good friends great actually and we respect one another in our healing process. I feel like I should check on my mom before my food gets here. I look back but don't see her. I would tell Austin but he's too cute sleeping , I rather not wake him up.
As I make my way towards the back I see my mom and seen her talking and laughing with the person next to her.
"Aye mami , how are you just checking in on you" as I smiled. And before she could reply the woman she was speaking with turned and looked up at me and with in a matter of seconds my entire body froze and the world stop moving. There she was the girl I left, the girl I was once in love with. The girl that never broke my heart , the girl that showed me true love. The girl I missed for 10yrs. She smiled at me and said "hey superstar". And in just hearing her my heart began beating at an extreme rate.
"Mija , look it's your childhood friend from Miami, Y/N, she's flying back to Miami." I was in complete utter shock that I couldn't make out any words but a stupid "he-Eey" with any awkward smile. She just smiled at me with her cute dimples and perfect teeth that makes my heart melt. What the heck am I saying , I have Austin ....AUSTIN my bf. Ughh stupid heart and mind. "Camila say hi to her , we were just catching up on life and everything , did you know she joined the army ?"
"WHAT!!?!" Okay I was a bit loud. "Sorry but what, so your saying this isn't some type of costume you're wearing?"
She looked at me like I'm crazy and laughed. "Still same funny Karla , no this isn't a costume, or something I just wear haha I joined the army like 9yrs ago"
Okay wtf is wrong with her I told her not to and there she goes doing it anyways. Omg Camila stop she's not your girlfriend anymore you left her you abandoned her she's not yours.
"Ohh, haha right I knew that." Omg can this get any more awkward.
"Mija porque no te sientes aquí, while I go to the baño, I'm sure you two would like to catch up" ughhh mom whhhhyyyy.
I just smiled as my mother got up to the restroom and I just stood there frozen until I heard Y/N "are you gonna sit or just stand there looking like a weirdo?" Ughh she's annoying now !
"Right sorry here let me squeeze by." Wow mami got the window seat , ughh I asked Austin for it but noooo he wanted it , but like why you're asleep.
Neither of us said anything for like 2 mins just complete awkward silence. So I decided to break the ice by saying "sooo how y-o.." when she cut me off. "Look karla I really don't wanna have the whole "how you doing , how's life type conversation with you because in all honesty you don't care so don't ask." Damn I have never seen this side of her and I honestly didn't like it. I miss the old sweet caring protective Y/N she was to me. Not this rude, short burst of a asshole she was being. I looked out the window when I heard my mom come by and as I started to get up so told me "no no Mija sit it's okay I know you two wanna talk with each other so ima go sit with Austin for a bit it's okay". I wanted to scream at her and tell her no but then I just smiled and sat back down. Ughhh kill me now.

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