Chapter 11: One's Resolve.

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After that talk i had with Kal'tsit, i began walking around again, she said she gave me 3 hours to prepare for the duel. Honestly i said we could do it right now but she had some stuff to take care off soooo i agreed.

A petite woman like her should only take one punch to deal with, Easy enough!.
As i walked back down the hallway, i was thinking of something, Back when i was in that house in Chernobogg. Right after we got away from Talulah, i made Nearl some armor without realy overthinking it... However.

Now that i am thinking about it, Would i be able to make bullets with this power of mine?
Granted i need something to create it out off.... But how will i be able to do that, Moreover.. Will i even be able to make it?

As i then accidently bumped over a trashcan, spilling all the trash on the floor....

That gave me an idea.

However, im not using trash for it.... Not yet at least.

I walked my way over to the Cafeteria area, it was a standard square room, lots of tables and chairs. It looks like there even is a stairway in the back... so that means probably multiple floors to this, understandable since there are a lot of people at work here.

There even was a sorta drive through where you could order and just take the food with you... However i had another idea, I just went to a vending machine and bought myself a can of soda.

As for how i got the soda, well it took me 1 dollar, but the coin seemed to work in this machine... now just to hope no one notices. 

As i grabbed the can of soda, i once again felt like i was being stared at.... Once again i am pretty sure people are just gossiping behind my back... Pricks.

As i just went to walk out of the Cafeteria, now with soda in hand. I just walked around sipping from my soda, In the past i didnt have much of a reason to do this sort of stuff... like going outside and all. Like i got a job at a greenery shortly after i 'graduated' from the soldier training.

I went plenty outside that way, so most of the time i just lazed on the couch, playing games, reading. I was a shut in yes, but i did help outside from time to time. But i never went to just take it easy outside for a change.

Man, being here makes me regret a lot of things that i havent done yet. 
As i looked to the sky seeing a the large ball of fire in the sky, a couple of clouds in the air, it was as peacefull as it could get..

Hell now that i think about it, this whole place is actualy very fucking cool. Like its such a huge thing, and yet up here you barely hear all the noise the machines make at the bottom. I wonder how this thing operates.... But thats a question for another time.

As i finished my soda, i then went to try out my experiment. As i tried to change its structure, I first wanted to try out something simple, So i went with something a bit bigger its size. A scarf, I focused on that image, a scarf, Blue.

As the sound of electricity could be heard.

And i felt something soft in my hand.

'Holy shit i did it', As i put the scarf around my neck, not that i had it cold... it just looks realy neat. At least thats what i think.

Well i can at least make simple things... but what about more complex items. Like bullets, or maybe even guns.

If i could create more guns i could maybe even make guns from video games, Maybe i can even make that fucking laser rifle from D2. i thought to myself, as excitement was to be seen plastered on my face.

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