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Boris POV:

I ran after Theo. He went into the bathroom. So I followed. I heard him sniffling in a cubicle. "Potter, it's me. Are you okay?" A wait a few seconds for an answer. "I'm *sniffle* fine" he said. "Can I come in?" I ask. "NO!" When he screamed that it made me jump from the echo of the scream. "I mean- just- give me a second." He said. All I can hear is the toilet paper roll spinning. Then something metal dropping. I saw Theo trying to pick it up but he tripped on his laces and accidentally kicked it. It was a pocket knife. Covered in blood. "Fuck fuck fuck. Boris this isn't what it looks like..." Theo said. "Theo I don't care what you're doing just please open the door and I'll give you back the knife." The cubicle unlocks and I see Theo without his sweater on. And one of his arms covered in a thick coat of toilet paper. I give him the pocket knife and he wipes the blood of on his pants. Well my pants technically. I just hug Theo. I know what he had been doing. I knew those scars weren't from a thorn bush. Theo hugs me back and starts crying into my arm. "You don't have to tell me what and why this happened right now. But I want you to know that I am here for you no matter what." I tell him. "Thanks." He whispers. "Come on. Put the top on. We're ditching the rest of the day." I tell him. "What why?" He asks "Because we have art and Ms. Bacon hates me. Plus you are obviously not stable enough to be at school right now." I say back. He giggles at that statement. "Come on. Let's go." I loudly whisper to him as I kiss his face which is wet from tears.

"So, do you want to tell me what happened at school?" I ask Theo. I stares at his which are floating in the air because the swing is too high for him. "Sure." He says back. "Go on." I say. "Well when Axel was telling everyone that you gave me all you know, these on my neck and I gave you yours I got really uncomfortable. It's not like he wasn't telling the truth and I'm not ashamed to be with you, but I don't want to be out as anything. It's easier for you because you don't care what anyone thinks. For me everyone's opinion affects me. And that makes me scared that people won't accept you and me." Theo says to me while tearing up. I hop off my swing and start to hug him. "Shh shh. Potter, it's completely fine. I understand. I wont tell anyone anything." I say in a comforting tone to him. "YA tebya lyublyu" I say to him. "English?" He asks "Net" I say back to him while smirking.

"Net" in this case is pronounced "Nye"

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