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Boris POV:

I woke up to someone knocking on the door. I went down to answer the door. I was Theo's dad "Hey Boris is Theo here. I Need him." "He's upstairs sleeping. I can go wake him up." "Boris those are some pretty nasty bruises on your neck are you ok?" I almost started crying of laughter. "Yeah I'm fine just some kid at school. But he got expelled so it doesn't matter." "I see. Well I'll wait here for Theo."

I run upstairs to grab Theo. "Potter! Wake up!!!" "Kill yourself. let me sleep." "Can't your dad is waiting for you." "Ugh fuck me." "Gladly" "Oh shut up Boris" "By the way you have to pretend that the Hickeys on your neck are bruises from some kid who got expelled." "What? Why?" "Because your dad thought they were bruises so I had to make up a story!" Theo just sighs and puts on some pants and one of my old t-shirts.

Theo POV:

"Hey dad." I say in a sleepy voice. "Hey kid. Woah looks like that bully got to you too huh?" "Mhm." "Alright well I've got a job for you to do so let's go." I wave Boris goodbye while I follow my dad.

"So dad what did you need me for?" I ask. "So my friend just opened a restaurant and business is really working out for him so I want to open up a restaurant but it cost a lot of money for stuff like a liquor license and other things. So I'm gonna need to borrow some money." He says back. "Oh you can take the 10,000 from my account." He just looks at me confused when I say that. "Oh! Right the 10k. I'm gonna need a little more than that so I need you to call this number and repeat everything that's on the paper." "Why do I have to do it?" He gives me a hard slap across the face "Just do it ok?! And stop with the crying."

I dial the number that my dad wrote down for me. The people on the other line answer so I start speaking. "Hello my name is Theodore Decker." "Hello Theodore. How can I help you." "I was wondering  if my mum left me any money. I wanna go to private school." "Unfortunately the money can not be sent straight to you the money would be funded to the school of your choice." "Oh ok. Sorry to bother you. Bye." I hang up. My dad starts cussing, screaming and breaking things. I just run out of the house.

I run to Boris' house and knock on the door. "Hey Boris." "Hello Potter. Are you ok? You look unhappy." "I'm fine can we just go to the playground?" "Of course we can."

Again I'm really sorry for not uploading as often as I used to.

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