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(Btw this is set when Boris and Theo are in the coffee shop and Boris tells Theo that the painting is now in a museum.)

Boris POV:

*Years later*

"So how do you feel now that painting is back in museum?" I ask him "Glad." Says Theo to me. "I am so sorry Potter this is my fault." "It's fine. I understand why you did it." He says. "Lets go?" I ask him. "Where?" "For a walk. "Ok"

"Boris why didn't you come with me?" Theo asks. "I was scared." "Wow, I could never imagine Boris Volodymyrovych Pavlikovsky being scared." "The fact you remember my full name scares me, how do you even remember it?" When I say that he smiles and just says "You told me when we were kids." I laugh when he says that. "Hey Potter you know when you left we technically never broke up. So technically you cheated on me with the blonde bitch." When I say that he laughs, blushes and stops to turn around at me. "I guess you're technically correct so..." "So what?" I ask him. "So this."

When he says that he gives me a kiss. I kiss him back. His breath smells like vomit and coffee but that doesn't matter to me. We just kiss. In public. And we didn't even care. We stop after a few seconds. "Were you just on your tippy toes?" I ask him. "Shut up." He says to me. "Don't say shut up to your boyfriend." I say to him.

"Wanna come over my apartment?"
I ask him. "Sure, but if it's as fucked up as your room from when you were 15 I swear to god I'm leaving." He says back while chuckling.

Hey guys. I'm so sorry for not posting as often and making this chapter so short. School has started so yeah.

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