Chapter 2

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"JJ, can I talk to you for a second?" Hotch asked, when JJ was going to leave the office after a day full of paperwork.

"Sure, what's up?" She answered.

Hotch looked around: "We should speak privately."

JJ locked confused, but she followed Hotch into his room. He closed the door.

"Did something happen?" JJ asked worried.

"No, no!" Hotch answered fast.

"Then what is it?" JJ wanted to know.

Hotch locked at her, when he asked: "How are you?"

JJ rolled her eyes. She had heard these words too often. "I'm fine, Hotch."

"Are you sure?"

"What is this about?" JJ wasn't relaxed anymore. One the contrary. She was stressed and Hotch could see that.

"JJ, since you're back you behave different than before. I know what you went through and..."

JJ interrupted Hotch: "No, you have absolutely no idea what I went through! Because if you knew it, you would never ever wonder about my behavior!"

"That is not what I meant..." Hotch started, but once again he was interrupted by JJ: "That is exactly what you meant! Damn it, Hotch, why did you even want to talk to me?"

"You need help." Hotchs voice was calm and that sent JJ over the edge.

"I will tell you once again: I'm fine! I don't need help!" Her eyes sparkled angry in the half-light.

"Please JJ, think about it."

"No, I won't think about it! How can you even think, that I could need help?"

Hotch stayed in silence, but JJ read everything in his eyes.

"It was Will, wasn't he?"

The teamleader wanted to shake his head, but JJ cut him off: "Don't lie to me, Hotch!"

Hotch sighed: "Will was here in your lunch break. He wanted me to talk to you."

JJ couldn't believe it. Her own husband deceived her!

"Now listen carefully, Hotch: I don't need help, neither from you nor from Will, ok? Don't bother me!"

With these words JJ turned around and ran out of Hotchs office. She was mad. Mad at Hotch. Mad at Will.

But especially mad at herself.

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