Chapter 19

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"And you are sure, that you are good enough to stay here alone?" Will asked and JJ could see the concern in his view.

"Of course, Will, I'm fine." She answered and tried to smile, but it failed.

And Will saw that.

He sighed. He knew, that JJ wasn't fine, but he also knew, that she would insist on staying alone at home without detaining him from going to work.

"Fine, you won." Will finally said. "But you have to promise me, that you will call as soon as something happens."

"I promise." JJ answered.

Before he left, Will kissed JJ softly, but she had trouble not to flinch.

Ever since she had been freed she can't bear physical proximity.

But she hadn't tell Will, so she just subdued the reflex to flinch and waited, untill Will left the house.

JJ sighed and sat down at the couch.

Now she realized, that it had been a bad idea, to stay alone at home.

She hadn't been alone since ... since the thing with Askari and Hastings has happened.

All at once sickness creeped over her and JJ ran towards the bathroom.

She barely reached the toilet before she had to throw up.

Almost twenty minutes she sat there in front of the toilet and waited for the sickness to pass.

It took almost thirty minutes, untill JJ felt in the condition to stand up and flush her mouth.

She starred at her reflection in the mirror and couldn't recognize herself.

This woman who looked back at her was weak, broken and desperate.

JJ wasn't desperate.

At least that was what she tried to tell herself.

Deep inside she was desperate.

Because she had a bad feeling, that the torture she had to go through, had only been the beginning.

And what she couldn't know at this point in time was, that she should be proved correct.

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