Chapter 1: A Regular Day, Maybe

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Chapter 1: A Regular Day, Maybe

Laying down on my bed I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling, noticing it needs a new paint job. Oh well, not like I'm gonna do it.


I really didn't want to get up, but I forced myself, unfortunately.

You see today is the last day of school before the summer break and I do not want to attend. Not that I hate school or anything, its the people in the school building that make me want to skip. I'm not a real socialite in the school, I am the opposite, and people think its amusing to try and degrade me and my attitude, but I just find it annoying, like, like telemarketers, they just never stop!

No matter how much my head was telling me to lay back down I got up and headed out into the hall stopping by the linen closet to pick up a towel for my morning routined shower.

Stepping into the bathroom I placed down my towel on the bench and turned around finding myself staring at my reflection in the mirror.

I saw the same person I did yesterday, and the day before, and the day before.

My long naturally blond hair fell around my shoulders all the way to the area inbetween my hips and mid waist. My normally dull green eyes somewhat stood out today. That only means one thing, something is about to happen.

Hey, maybe my parents are finally going to let me have that tattoo I've always wanted. Ha, in my dreams! My parents don't even assossiate with me anymore.

Ah, well.

I turned out of sight of the mirror, stripped of my clothes and hopped into the shower.

After my 15 minutes heat retaining activity, I walked back to my room to assume the appropriate clothing to say 'sienara suckers' to the rest of my classmates, or as I refer to them as barbie dolls gone wrong; and yes I call both the guys and girls this. What? They really don't know when to stop trying to be High School Musical on steriods.

I normally wear all black, and only shorts and pants (absolutely not dresses or skirts! bleh!) out in public, but today I decided to go for the shocking approach, black converse, black shorts that came to mid thigh, black t-shirt with, a pink tank top underneath. That's what I call shocking.

I just left my hair to dry naturally, there's no one I'm trying to impress.

I looked at the clock seeing it was 7:15 in the morning and decided to just head on outside to wait for the bus.

The bus. Oh how I wish I had a car. I always sit alone and have nothing but my music to listen to. Hold up that's the good part!

The bad part is how much whispering that goes on the minute that I step foot on that bus. Its not like I care what they say, I'd just rather they say it to my face instead whispering about me knowing I know that I'm their topic of interest.

I know they never would talk to me to my face though, they're to scared. Haha.

The devil car itself showed up the moment I got to the stop, yay! (Note my sarcasm)

I best get over it, 'cause today is my last day going through that hell, at least until next year.

I went up the steps of the bus and took my regular seat in the back. With this done I snapped out my tablet, plugged in my ear buds and played some Avril Lavigne What The Hell. Best song ever invented!

As the song came to a close I recollected that we just made it to the school parking lot, and I breathed out a sigh of relief, no more breathing in the toxic fumes of the barbie dolls gone wrong!

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