Chapter 9: Mission Terminate Pink

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Chapter 9: Mission Terminate Pink

I walked into my, dare I say it, pink room, and headed over to suitcases. Pulling out a pair of old jean short shorts that I made a point to only wear when I was alone; no one needed to see me dressed like that. I also took out a baggy white t-shirt that I slipped on effortlessly and tucked into the back of the shorts.

Walking into the bathroom to get a hair tie to but my hair up I stopped at the full length mirror, shocked. I was wearing no black. I didn’t know if I liked it or not at that moment, but I shrugged my shoulders and put my hair up stepping into action of Mission Terminate Pink.

With determination I exited the bathroom and was ready to start to move the furniture out of it, when I realized that I didn’t know where to put it all. I sighed heavily, and irritably and started on my search for Lydia.

I went down the stairs after a good five minutes searching for them and traveled to the kitchen which was only occupied by who I thought to be Brent sitting on a chair, his nose deep in a book, “Hey Brent?” I asked the twin, and his head popped up. Yep, I guess it was Brent.

“Ya?” he asked.

“Um, I was looking for your mom. Do you know where she is?” I asked. He looked like he was thinking, recalling if he did or not.

“No, I can’t say that I have. But if you are looking for her try the library.” He stated and I nodded and turned out of the kitchen throwing a thank you over my shoulder on my way out.

Heading down the hall I realized something, I didn’t have a clue as to where the library was.

I heaved a heavy sigh and continued down the hallway looking for anyone that could help me find the library in the mass of doors.

Just as I was about to turn a corner I knocked into something, or should I say someone.

The first thing I saw was a lean frame with sharply defined muscles scaling their body. As I looked up further I saw a face that I recognised as one of the Evans brothers, but I could name him.

“Uh, sorry didn’t see you there…” he trailed off looking down my legs. I followed his trail and saw that I was still wearing my incredibly short-shorts. Ok they probably weren’t that short to anyone else, but to me it was almost as bad as wearing a thong in public!

“Ya, anyways, um…”I trailed off thinking of what his name was.

“Lucas.” He filled me in and I nodded enthusiastically the dots then connecting, he was the oldest Evans brother.

For the first time, I noticed a volleyball in his hands and couldn’t hold back my curiosity disregarding my original intention of question, “Where’re you goin’?” I asked.

Lucas smiled and infectious smile and I couldn’t help but smile back. Man! What are these boys doing to me? I never use to be this conversational, because honestly I didn’t really care, AND they’re making me smile. I don’t smile, I just don’t!

Immediately I dropped the grin from my face and waited for the response, “I’m going to the beach with Tristan and a couple of friends from school to play a couple games of volleyball.”

“Oh, cool. So, um, I was wondering if you could direct me to the library, or better yet where your mom is.”

Lucas stood up to his full height of about 6”2’ and thought. I took that time to notice how small I really am, 5”3’….

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