Chapter 6: A Night With The Evans'

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Chapter 6: A Night With The Evans'

"So Jesse, how's your first day here so far?" asked Lydia obviously trying to get a conversation started.

I wasn't use to talking so I awkwardly answered, "Um, go-good, I guess. I mean, Your house is great and everyone seems nice and friendly. Some more than others." I stated looking at Corey pointedly, gaining a few chuckles, "and the um, well, my uh room, I appreciate the efforts to make it girly and enticing for a girl, but something to remember, no pink, like at all." with this, the laughter increased.

After speaking I didn't know how many thoughts were rampaging through my brain but I could tell you there were a lot! First of all why the hell was I suddenly so awkward? All day today with Adam I was fine and now I'm not! I always was confident went I spoke, always and suddenly I am a different girl feeling shy! What the hell is wrong with me?!

Bringing me out of my mental evaluation was a man I didn't recognize; he spoke, "I don't believe we have been formally introduced. I'm Matthew Evans, your partial guardian alongside Lydia and father of all of these, friendly creatures I have the pleasure of calling my sons."  he smirked looking at his family, "Welcome." I smiled a small polite smile matching his and nodded my head trying to seem indifferent to his words, but all I felt was jealousy. They had this big happy family where everyone loved everyone and each one was accepted no matter who there were or what they were like.

After Matthew sat down, the chatter started up, and I sat back in my seat eating my meal like the rest of them, actually just poking at it, I lost my appetite after my most recent thoughts.

About 10 minutes of sitting, playing with my food I had had enough of listening to the happy family conversations so I pushed out my chair and made my way out of the dining room with curious eyes watching my retreating form. I don't really know what happened but something in me just snapped, I just couldn't take anymore of it, anymore of the loving family scenario, I had to leave, it was all too much to take in at once.

I heard my name being called but I ignored each voice. By the time I got to my room, my God awful pink room, I ran to the plush pink bed and dove into it. I was feeling jealous, angry, and frustrated all at the same time. Jealous because I never had that and I knew I never would, angry because they didn't even take into consideration that having this type of family time, and frustrated because I was so expectant and selfish that things might not have been as bad as they were before.

I punched the fluffy pillow I had my head rested on and sighed heavily. Damn I was so selfish! I couldn't believe myself; first they allow me into their home, no questions asked and have no problem with me spending their money to redecorate a room that was just recently finished, they didn't pester and interrogate me and my past like I thought they would have, and then I go thinking the world revolves around me, that they should have thought about changing their normal everyday routine for me. Wow, I'm a selfish b*tch!

I suddenly jumped at the sound of a door slamming just a couple doors down from me. Did me leaving dinner early cause some anger, ha if it was Adam I would have laughed so hard but at the moment I just didn't feel in the mood for laughing. I gently placed my head back on the pillow.

For a while I thought and thought about my recent ways, internally shaking my head at my actions. As I was doing that though, I heard the sound of the door opening and footsteps lightly pattering on the floor. Only one person walked that lightly, or so I thought.

In all honesty I thought it was Lydia who came in the room, but as I looked up to meet her gaze I was brought to the concerned and sympathetic face of Matthew.

Adam's POV

I watched Jesse practically sprint from my side, out of the room, to the stairs and was completely torn and confused. Should I have gone after her? Why did she run in the first place?

I turned to look at the rest of my family in question, but much to my dismay they all wore the expression, confusion. That sure wasn't going to help me figure things out.

Only moments after Jesse left the table dad stood up and walked lightly in the same direction as she had. I was about to get up to question his motives but decided against it. Dad was good with words so I trusted him on his own with her- What?

I know that I am a ladies man but when did I become possessive? Geez! You'd think after her attitude at the store I would have given up and moved on already! I know, I know I'm a total player. I got that, but what I didn't get was, first of all the constant rejection. Since when did that happen; have you seen this face?! And secondly, why the hell was I holding onto all hopes of getting her? Maybe it was the fact that rejection wasn't in my vocabulary unless it was coming from me specifically. Yeah, that's it. I had never been shut down by a girl before so it's only natural to want to keep that streak! I breathed out a sigh of relief and started patting the table with the pads of my fingers with one hand while leaning back and relaxing in the chair.

Bringing me out of my daze was my mom, well my mom's hand to be specific. She slammed the table in front of me to which my eyes snapped opened. She looked at me with a scrutinizing look, "What?" I asked completely lost on the topic and questioning her sanity.

"Don't 'what' me. What did you do?" she asked me and once again I brought back the idea of being mental.

"Hmmm, well, I woke up this morning, I brushed my teeth after my shower, I ate breakfast, took out the trash, played video games....Satisfied?" I asked heavy on the sarcasm.

Mom narrowed her eyes at me and spoke yet again, "Don't get smart with me." and I shook my in exasperation, "What did you do Jesse? She was fine and then she just wasn't. I will ask again, what did you do?"

I matched her narrowed eyes with my own leaning forward in my seat. Some might think I was being a little daring, but mom was just like a teenager in all ways, so I had to treat her like one, she didn't mind, I don't even think she noticed the way I sized her up, "I...did...nothing."

She held her ground for a little longer hoping to get some sort of 'truth' out of me but she ended up sighing and taking the seat next to me which gave me the opportunity to see that everyone was looking at us, and by us I mean mainly me, with shameful eyes. I shook my head in disbelief. Wow. My own family thinks I'm the culprit for Jesse's actions!

I had had enough. I slowly stood up and looked around to everyone in the room, "I didn't do or say anything to her, with her, or about her that would make her be like this." I scoffed at them all, "I know I may not be the kindest, or respectful," to this Lucas, Tristan, and Jack all scoffed, I glared, "but, I don't lie. I am not lying about this. I did noting, accept it." and with that I stormed out of the dining room down the hall and to the stairs just like Jesse.

Damn her. She came in this house and everyone turned on me the minute something upset her. I mean, I knew that I kind of had a past with upsetting people, but I didn't do anything that time!

Getting to my room I slammed the door behind me walking to my bed. I sat down with anger seeping out of every pore on my body.

What the hell was that girl doing to me? And How the hell was I suppose to deal with it for as long as we both were at the house at the same time?

I let out a huge breath as I lay flat on my queen sized bed thinking, 'well, this is going to be one interesting experience.'


Author's Note

Heyy everyone!!!

Sorry that its a bit late I had a  big long busy weekend and couldn't find time to write, but it's here so enjoy!

Please vote, comment, and or fan if you liked it!!

The next chapter will be up within the week!



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