Chpt. 6 - His Effort of Comfort

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A/N - there's going to be a lot to take in, but this chapter will partially be cute, MAINLY sad.


I set Y/n down gently onto my bed, making sure I don't harm her anymore.

I go to the kitchen to pour her a glass of water and set it beside her on my night stand.

I loved her.

I hated seeing her hurt.

Even the slightest bit, I've always hated seeing her in pain.

There was this one time we were on a field trip in 3rd grade, and she tripped over a root in the ground when we were hiking, and she scraped her knee pretty bad, and it made me feel physical pain in my heart. It hurt me to watch her go through pain.

Though, she was always a tough cookie.  I loved her for exactly that. Shes always been strong and brave.

Another time at recess in 7th grade, she was stung by a couple of wasps because she was trying to shoo them away from her friend Donna, and again - I felt horrible for her.

And she was being brave, took it like a champ.

Ive just been admiring her from day 1, and wanted to be her friend, always.

I caressed the top of Y/n's head, running my fingers through her hair until I felt a warm, sticky substance.

I pulled my hand away, looking at it.


How much worse could this get.

I felt myself frown as I get up to go get supplies to help her.

I didn't know what I was doing, but I was just going to do whatever Y/n did to help me every time I got hurt in a fight or just on accident.

Yeah, she also helped me on that all the time as well.

I grab a cloth and ice. I didn't know how else to help her, but I definitely wasn't going to shave a part of her hair to bandage her wound, I know she'd be pissed.

I dab the cloth onto the bloodied patch, cleaning it slightly.

After I finished that, I put ice over it, holding it for her.

I then treat and bandage her facial wounds, also icing her stomach.

I place the ice bag at her stomach, bandaging it to stay put while she sleeps.

I watch as she peacefully sleeps, taking a break from the pain.

I couldn't imagine what she was going through right now. "My poor girl." I whisper.

I climb onto the other side of my bed, slowly getting under the covers, making sure not to wake her.

I lean over to kiss her forehead. "Goodnight, mi amor." I comfort peacefully, knowing she didn't hear me.

I dug my head into the crook of her neck as her back hits my stomach.

I softly ran my fingers through her hair, taking in her sweet, gentle scent.

She smelt like flowers and honey. Now this. This is when life felt most real.

I soon drift off to sleep, cuddling up with Y/n L/n.

~ time skip to the morning <3 ~

I wake up to the sound of Y/n crying, which startles me.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?"

Y/n's POV:

My brother has gone missing.

I regret looking on the news channel.

Robin had a television in his bedroom, so when I woke up, I wanted to catch up on the important events in life, but that turned into a disaster.

I sobbed softly into my hands, accidentally waking Robin up. "Hey, hey, what's wrong?"

"Its my brother." I look over to him, watching as he sat up from his bed and rubbed his eyes.

He sat next to me, looking at the news station with squinted eyes.

His eyes soon widen, looking at me with worry.

I felt tears spill down my face, and he hugs me tightly. "I'm so incredibly sorry, Y/n. I'm sure we'll find him, okay? He's not gone forever."

I nod, sobbing into his chest emotionally.

"Shh, its okay." He strokes my hair. I let myself go, melting into his arms.

Robin fucking Arellano.

He makes me feel so safe.

I want to stay like this for the rest of my time left on earth.

This young man makes all of my worries and tragedies disappear.

But I soon get a sudden reminder that half of my world has gone missing, and I needed to find him. He was the only family that ever cared for and about me.

As soon as I recollect the news, I fall weak once more, hugging him tight, crying as hard as I possibly could.

Robin rubs my back, providing me solace in his soft, cautious touch.

"It's going to be alright, querida. I promise you."

Lots of kids have been gone missing for the past month, reported dead, and I just didn't want such a horrible thing to happen to my brother.

I loved him.


  A/N - I'm actually so sorry guys, this was kinda sad.

845 words :(

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