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Azazels POV:

I had phone in one hand and was eating an onigiri in the other. I came closer to the location just as I finished my onigiri. I threw the wrapper anyway and looked at where the said location was only to fins an alleyway.

"Why are their so much collars in this dump~ I hate it here already~" I said pouting. I then heard something next to me and turn to find cats, a dog and a lion..

3rd POV:

Cats, a dog, and a lion are seen in an alleyway.

"Where are we!? And why is it so dirty here!" A beautiful ombre blonde purple cat says.

Before any of them could answer they hear a familiar voice.

"Why are their so much collars in this dump~ I hate it here already~" A ombre black to white hsir said pouting. 

"AZAZEL!?" they all yelled except a lazy lion but he couldn't here them only a bark and meows.

They then turn their head like they were trying to find something. They turn next to them and turn to find cats, a dog and a lion..

"KYAAAAA! A lion, a dog, and cats! WAIT WHAT'S A LION DOING IN A CITY!?" Azazel said falling to their knees on the dirty ground.

"AHH EW EW EWWWW!!" Azazel said grabbing a clothe they brought to wipe their knees.

"Ehem. Anyways you're all coming with me weather you like it or not." He said pulling out a coffin out of his sleeve like it was an everyday thing. He places the coffin on the ground opening it up, allowing all the animals to get in except a cat and the dog.

"Do not, I repeat do not open the lid. There will be voices that tell you to open the lid, but do not. Only I and whoever is in the coffin can open it. But, if you open the lid when you're not supposed to...well you're all a goner." Azazel say with a serious face and voice.

"Anyways byeee~" Azazel says turning back to normal and then closes the door as the coffin enters back into his sleeve.

The dog, Jack looked at the cat, Epel confused.

'Why did they leave us out?' Jack asked and Epel looked confused as well.

'Idk. But where are we staying?' Epel asked looking at jack.

"Hmm~ I just need to put this on me and the animal and we'll be able to understand each other. So stay still." Azazel said pulling two collars and a bracelet with the same design. He then sat down with a cloth under him. He put the bracelet on his wrist and grabbed Epel putting the collar on him.

"Now say something Apple." Azazel said facing Epel.

"Hello Azazel..?" Epel said confused if he heard him. Azazel eyes sparkle indicating that he could hear him.

"Yes! It works!" Azazel said quickly putting the same kind of collar on Jack. 

"Now lets go meet up with Yuu, he should have found a place to stay by now." Azazel said putting a leash on Jack and Epel behind his neck hiding in his hoodie. He opens his phone to see Yuu had sent him the location. Looking at the reviews and what the place looks like he was satisfied of the nice looking apartment that allowed pets.

"I'll buy pet food and some groceries after I drop the animals off.." Azazel said mumbling to himself.

(554 words)

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