Another Form

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Azazel POV:

As I closed the door I felt a burn in my pocket. I search the pocket to find my magic pen. Small but noticeable black blobs on it!

"FUCK! YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDING ME!" I yell luckily the walls are soundproof so Luke didn't hear. Yuu who heard my yell looked at me shocked.

"I thought you were used to this! How did you form blo-" Yuu yelled but cut himself off. I looked confused but saw he was holding a magic pen.

"What did I say about stealing!" I yell but not that loud. I heard Yuu sigh and I look at him.

"Look can we just cancel it for today? Just one or two days, please!" Yuu said begging on the floor. I sigh.

"Fine. Just today, and maybe tomorrow." I say as Yuu excitedly got up. He started combing his hair with his hands as his hair turns silver-gray. He put his hands over his eyes and his eyes turn light blue. Its been such a long time since I've seen him like that. A small but noticeable smile formed on my lips.

"Your turn, Mother." Yuu says as he puts one of his hand on his hip and the other is hanging off.

"Hmm..shall I do true form or..other?" I ask Yuu.

"True from!" Yuu says holding one up finger. 

"Alright." I comb my hair using a brush I summoned. As I brush my hair, my hair turns a snowy white. I blink my right eye which turns light blue, I blink my other eye which turns light purple. I cover my eyes as I apply purple eyeshadow. I then summon a mirror and lip gloss, which I apply looking at the mirror.

"What kind." I ask looking at Yuu who perked up.

"Kitsune!" Yuu yelled as I sigh then smile. I then think of having the features of a kitsune. Two ears pop out and then nine tails. Some markings appear on my body having the same design as a kitsune.

(328 Words)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2022 ⏰

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