Grocery Shopping

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3rd POV:

After Azazel finished talking with the Simeon, Luke, Solomon, and Mc they excused themselves due to remembering that they have to go grocery shopping for the animals, meals, and snacks.

"Goodbye! I will see you later, I promise." Azazel says as they wave to their friends and adopted children goodbye. Azazel leaves the room to tell Yuu about him going to the grocery store.

"Hello Yuu. I'm going to leave to go grocery shopping, wanna come along?" Azazel says as they hug Yuu like nothing happened before.

"Sorry but no. Someone needs to keep an eye on these animals, so they don't mess with anything." Yuu says eyeing the animals as Azazel chuckles.

"Well I'm going to see what happens when I go in the form~" Azazel says as they transform into their female form as Yuu sighs.

"Ok but who the fuck wears that, to go grocery shopping." Yuu says gesturing to her outfit. Her outfit was a green crop top, short black skirt, white knee high socks, black heels and a purse that has money and bags. Azazel just smiles.

"Me! I do." Azazel say with her hands on her hips while Yuu sighs and gives up telling her goodbye. Just as Azazel is about to leave the dog(Jack) goes in front of the door and sits down. Azazel wanted to squeeze the dog but kept herself calm on the outside.

"I'm sure Yuu won't notice~" Azazel say summoning a harness and leash failing to notice the figure of Yuu behind a wall. Putting the harness on Jack then attaching the leash Azazel just up and leaves with her purse over her left shoulder and leash in her right hand.

After Shopping:

As soon as Azazel left the grocery store they just wanted to teleport home and sleep. Looking around she sees a store that caught her eye. Entering the store she happily looked around to find out it was an anime and game store. Immediately she started looking around the store for about half an hour. Looking around at the figurines she spot one that one of her younger brother always rants about, Rui-chan. Thinking for a moment about if she should bye it or not she decides to add the figurine basket. After checking out the total came out to about 22,677.55 ¥ (about 157$) which was no problem for her paying then leaving and heading home. 

"I'm homeeee." Azazel say tiredly but happy. Azazel was greeted by Yuu's hug wich she hugged back falling asleep. Yuu chuckles quietly as they bring Azazel to her room. 

"Goodnight, Aza." Yuu says as they tuck Azazel in.

(431 words)

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