Part 6

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even doe the person behind the door was still banging on the door for the last 5 minutes now it gave the kings enough time to take sonic to the bathroom sweet that was connected to their room and let sonic soak in the tub that was the size of a swimming pool and clean up the sheets on the bed and sonic torn shirt before they open the door to see there annoying friend/imperial physician that was here to check over their new fiancé.

?: oh, it's about time you three and where is the cute lover at

shadow: taking a bath right now so leave him be, anyway, what the hell do you want rouge

rouge then walk in passing the kings with a smug look a maid followed right behind her

rouge: I'm here to tell you about your meeting with the council and also to meet the new mistress that I will be serving as of today with her new maid that will also be serving her

they look at the assistant and saw that it was a purple cat with a serious face as she greeted the kings by bowing to them

blaze: hello your highness's I am blaze the cat and I am looking forward to serving your fiancé as my new mistress

melphiles: well that good to hear but there something that we need to tell you...ROUGE STAY OUT OF THERE!

rouge walk up to the bathroom door that was shut while blaze was introducing herself and manage to open the door when melphiles shouted for her to stay out but soon talk back as she saw the teen

rouge: oh, hush does it not like I hadn't seen female parts befo...oh why hello the young sir pardon my intrusion 

she said as shadow slam the door shut with sonic being startled but then confused from the sudden appearance as he continues to relax on the edge of the large bath thinking on why the tub have to be this big.

with the others in the room next door with shadow slamming the door shut was about to tell rouge to get lost but stop as he saw her giggling 

shadow: what are you giggling about bat?

rouge: heh and here I though you three snagged a pretty lady princess called Amy that pick you guys up weeks back, but I see you have a cute little male kid instead who's he a relative of Her's

shadow: don't be stupid he may look young to you, but we assure you he is 16 years old not a kid and no not exactly related to that spoil brat

rouge: oh, are you sure about that maybe I should go in a take a closer look

the three kings look at rouge with daggers with her getting the reaction she wanted as they told her to not even think about it

rouge: aww he must be the one you three were looking for considering how protective you guys are but I'm afraid that your time is up so off you go and go to the meeting

rouge said as she pushes the three to leave with them snaping back that if sonic is hurt in any way emotionally by the two he would have them punished as they were push out of the door

rouge: yea sure you guys will, okay now have fun 😁(slam)

the three had the door slam in their face with them storming away to the meeting they were call in as rouge on the other side made her way to the bathroom again

blaze: um rouge don't you think they want him to bath alone

rouge: are you not his assign maid gets in here and wash him while I check and see if he sore or not.... that poor boy must have gone through so much with them three

blaze walk in thinking what would rouge mean by that but then saw a shock blue teen trying to cover himself against the tub as he saw the two ladies

rouge: hey there don't be scared my name is rouge the bat and I'll be your doctor/friend, and this is blaze who is to be your new maid 

sonic: oh, that cool but um I'm kind of bathing here so can you guy wait till I'm done washing

rouge: oh no we are not going to stand here and let you do that blaze dear would you mind

blaze went over to sonic as he watched her and saw that she was getting the soap pouring the liquid on her hands and then started to wash the top of his head making him tense and shy but was distracted enough for rouge to see the stiches he had in his shoulder.

rouge: there see not bad having someone else do the work for you huh

sonic: is this really necessary when I have hands to wash myself?

rouge: but your going to soon be a part of the royal family so you got to get use to these types of luxuries now after your bath we will help you to the bedroom and have those stiches seen to okay


after an awkward and tense bath sonic help out of it with blaze trying to dry him but sonic insisted that he does that himself and did in the end but when he got to the bedroom, he had to lay on the bed with blaze rubbing some soothing oils into his fur while rouge numb sonic arm and apply more stiches on his injury.

rouge: I though those three Morons would be taking care of you so how could they not see that you pop your stiches and bleeding

sonic: I don't think they saw them as we were... 🤐

rouge: you were what?

sonic didn't want to finish that as he thought that the stiches must of pop when he was having his intimate moment with the three and blush at just thinking about how loving and gentle, they were to him.

sonic: um nothing anyway when can I start feeling my arm again

rouge: soon Hun you just need to wait for the aesthetic to wear off, but I need to know if you have any other injuries or soreness from a special place

sonic: no I don't think so

as she was wiping the blood off sonic arm and putting her tools away, she smirked playfully at the teen

rouge: oh, so you are used to it then you must be an experience one then

sonic: huh what do you mean

sonic tilt his head as he was confused with the two looking at each other thinking to them self's if he has or not but blaze then asking the question to her new lord

'Forgive me my lord for speaking out of line but have you.... ever engage into a sexual relationship before'

sonic: umm no just with your kings and that it, why do you need to know that

rouge: well have they ever went all the way like stick there...


sonic having a red face from embarrassment and shyness that made rouge burst out Laughing from the answer

rouge: HAHAHA OH THIS IS RICH...ah the three kings pick a cute little virgin

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