Part 14

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sonic use his speed to go ahead of them knocking out each one as he went pass and zoom everywhere to see if there was any left but found none.

he stopped and took a breather but heard wave coming up to him in a panicked voice

wave: sonic I'm glad to see you quick I need you to help me

she said as she gave him death hug holding onto his waist and arms tightly

sonic: okok you don't have to hold me so tight wave and what do you need helORF

before sonic could finish someone hit him hard at the back of his head knocking him out there and then.

infinite: well, it's about damn time did you set the bomb like eclipse told you to do

wave: sure, did but it will be going off so we should hurry now

infinite slung the unconscious teen over his shoulders and went towards a secret passage in the wall

scrouge turn the corner and spotted them immediately running after them but as he got closer the passageway shut behind them




the three kings have just finished taking out eclipse soldiers and told the chief of the village that they needed to go back in which he replies by bowing and thanking the three of them for their help.

shadow then chaos control in front of the castle and look in horror as they saw their castle was half destroyed.

they ran to the entrance and open the door to see everyone was ither in shock or was getting bandages wrap around them but out of all of them they couldn't find sonic among them till scrouge spotted them and ran toward them.

scrouge: your highness's I'm glad your safe but...

silver: never mind about us where sonic and his parents

scrouge told them everything that happen and how he saw sonic get taken away by infinite with the maid wave at his side as they walk to the area where the passage was and saw that knuckles was already on the way of smashing though it.

with one last punch knuckles smash though turning the door into small bits of rubble when landing on the floor.

they all look in but saw that it was too dark to see ahead as well as a cold gust of wind flowing pas them 

knuckles: great will have to get in there now tails you got a light

knuckles turn and saw the three that was standing there looking bang up themselves 

knuckles: I see you three are back, but I need your help to get sonic back from that asshole you call infinite and when I see him, I'll make him pay... ARGH

as knuckles tighten his grip in his hands a sharp pain was shooting though it with tails then looking why and saw that he overextended his knuckles on both hands

tails: I'm sorry knuckles but it looks like you may have dislocated them you got to sit this one out

knuckles: screw that our son is down there

tails switch his gaze to the three king and was about to ask but they did that for them

kings: will go

shadow: will go you better patch your husband up while we are gone and scrouge rouge make sure everyone is taken care of

rouge: sure, no problem just makes sure you bring him back safe and sound or the in laws might kill you three

scrouge: I'll get some touches at the ready for you three

rouge and scrouge left to do their jobs while tails supported knuckles to take him to get treated too but knuckles wanted to say something before, he can leave

knuckles: you three better bring him back with not a scratch on him 

silver: of course, we will he is our fiancé after all

tails: we know and thank you for always thinking about him like you three do

he said as they walk away with scrouge coming back and giving them the torches each.


with sonic:

underground of the castle was endless number of dark caves with only one of them with signs of life with sonic struggling though his binds that was around his arms behind his back and legs laying on the floor after taking a beating from infinite that was having the time of his life as he kicks the teen hard in the stomach repeatedly.

infinite: not so tough now brat!

sonic didn't speak till he stops but even then, he had to cough though the pain that was going through his torso

sonic: *cough*.... your nothing but a coward stopping me from fighting back by tying me down, pfff pathetic

infinite: SHUT THE HELL UP!

infinite bent down grab the teen by the neck and threw him to the wall making him fall to the ground trying his best to catch his breath that was knock out of him when hitting the wall.

infinite had known that was enough as he saw that the teen already in bad shape as he was with injuries all over his body with some leaking out the young one's blood and possibly a few broken ribs but was still pissed off as sonic still had an attitude showing no fear.

infinite: just lucky that I can't kill you, but it is satisfying that I get to beat the hell out of you for this long 

just then a light appeared and vanished with eclipse appearing telling infinite that his time was up as he walk closer to see the teen he's been waiting for

eclipse: finally, the moment I've been waiting years for is now in front of me at last

infinite: well lucky you so when are you going to kill those brothers of yours

eclipse: oh yes don't worry as soon as I'm done with the chosen one here, we will be able to destroy everything that would get in are way including them

infinite: yea yea like you said over and over again just hurry up

infinite left the cave leaving the two alone in the cave with eclipse bending down and gently sat sonic up with sonic only giving him a glare in between he faces changing to a painful expression, but eclipse didn't seem fazed instead he smiles as he place his hand over the teen cheek making sonic swing his head away from his cold touch.

eclipse: just by being near you I can sense the power of chaos flowing though you

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