We are family Part 1

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Vikings have a strong sense of community, it's important for them to be a part of a family and to celebrate that connection

(Berk's plaza)

Once every year on Berk they celebrate the ancestor Bork the Bold, the man who wrote the Book of Dragons, this celebration is called "Bork Week"

The Vikings and their dragons were setting up everything for the celebration, Gobber just finished a statue of Bork so he looked down at the Vikings that were there

"Happy Bork Week, Magnus, and a good Bork Week to you, Seamus" Gobber said as he waved at them, then he slid down the ladder and looked at the statue "Most importantly, a spectacular Bork Week to you, great, great grandpa Bork"

"Best week of the year, eh, Gobber?" Mulch asked as he and Bucket walked towards Gobber

"Right up there with Stump Day" Gobber said as he and Mulch clang their prosthetics together

"Ah, the good old days, brings tears to my eyes" a voice said behind them so they turned around and saw how Mildew was walking towards them with Fungus by his side

"We could use a man like Bork around here" Mildew said

"Tradition's a find thing, Mildew, but things have changed for the better, if you ask me" Gobber said

"I didn't" Mildew saw glaring at Gobber

"We've come a long way from the time when it was us or the dragons, you might be less crusty if you got used to that, Mildew" Gobber said

"I'll pass, thanks" Mildew said "When are Bork's archives going on display? You've still got that dragon gutting dagger of his, don't you?"

"They'll all be in the Great Hall tomorrow, don't you worry" Gobber said

(The Cove)

Meanwhile with the teens, they were at the cove testing an idea that Hiccup and Fishlegs came up with so Hiccup started to howl at the sky just like a dragon

"That's why you brought us here?" Snotlout asked "To honk to the wind?"

"Just wait, Snotlout" Fishlegs said

"Dragon calls, whatever" Snotlout said

"Trust me, you'll find it cool just give it a chance" Blake said

"Okay, fine I'll give it a chance" Snotlout said a bit annoyed

Hiccup continued to howl at the sky but still nothing happed

"And nothing, can we go now?" Snotlout asked

"Just wait a bit longer" Blake said making Snotlout groan

Suddenly they heard a dragon roar "And there it is" Blake said just before Toothless landed in front them

"Wow, I hate to admit it but you were right, it is cool" Snotlout said in amazement looking at Blake

"And just wait until you see my dragon call" Blake said as he gave a few steps forward before clearing his throat and roaring to the sky, seconds later a lightning landed in front of the teens forcing them to cover their eyes

Once they opened them, they saw that Thunder was roaring and standing where the lightning landed seconds ago but for some reason, he looked really alert and angry

"Thunder, it's me" Blake said, when Thunder saw him, he calmed down and looked at the ground a bit ashamed

"Sorry for that" Blake said walking towards Thunder "It's just that his territorial instincts made him think that my call was from another Skrill"

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