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It was safe to say that the whole Cullen household has been on each since the newly wed couple had come home early

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It was safe to say that the whole Cullen household has been on each since the newly wed couple had come home early.

There was also a ripple in the family with what was to happen with Bella. It was like half the family was on one side of the coin on the others where on the other.

Edward seemed to be acting like he was leading a battle giving his father orders, and trying to force the baby out of Bella, Carlisle didn't know where he stood he was fascinated but really worried seeing as nothing he did was working to figure out how to help. Esme just wanted everyone to stop arguing thinking it was affecting Bella.

Jasper was staying away not really voicing what he thoughts, although he was using his gift to try and help with the emotions running wild in the house. Emmet was the same worried for his new sister but he was also getting fed up with all the arguments going on in the house but he was also staying back with Jasper.

Raven and Rosalie had taken to being Bella's bodyguards defending her and shutting down Edward anytime he tried to tell Bella what to do, it was really entertaining to watch.

Alice she was stressing herself out by trying to see Bella's future, she was drawn between both sides not wanting Bella to die. Although there was apart of her that thought if this was her and she could have kaz's child she would keep it aswell.

Kaz well, he was about a second away from throwing Edward out the window giving him to a shark. Kaz understood he couldn't tell the girl what to do he was a very strong believer in 'your body your choice ' so that's why he was on Bella's side, and he didn't see the problem with what Carlisle suggested saying that once Bella gives birth they could turn her in time.

He was in his own world that he didn't realize Carlisle had left the living area where they all where to go answer the door, he snapped back in when he heard Bella's question ring in the air. "Jake! Is that you?"

He snapped his attention to the doorway that Jacob came rushing into, as soon as he entered kaz stood up and Rosalie and raven stood Infront of Bella with a glare on there faces. "I'm glad you came."

"Close enough." Rosalie suddenly said when Jacob took a step towards Bella.

"What's your problem?" Jacob narrowed his eyes at the two Infront of Bella.

"Rose, raven it's okay." Bella nodded. Jacob moved around the blonde and brunette vampire and sat down beside of Bella who was sitting on the couch, a quilt covering her stomach.

"You look terrible." Jacob spoke first. Bella smiled in response.

"Yeah. It's nice to see you too."

There seemed to be a tense pause as everyone watched on before Jacob spoke back up. "So, you going to tell me what's wrong with you?"

Bella locked very hesitant, before her gazed switched to the three closer to her. "Rose raven will you help me up?" She looked towards kaz to move closer just incase which is what he did, as Bella removed the blanket from on top of her as Rosalie and raven held her arms gently helping her up. Jacob looked down at her stomach what was very noticeable, especially when her shirt rode up and Bella tried to pull it down.

With a scowl on his lips Jacob turned to Edward and started walking towards him. "You did this!" Emmet was quickly on Jacobs left and kaz was on his right stopping Jacob from going any further.

"We didn't know it was even possible." Carlisle defended.

"What is it?" Jacob growled, turning to look at the doctor.

"I'm not sure." Carlisle answered. "Ultrasounds and needles won't penetrate the embryonic sack."

Raven helped Bella sit back down as Alice took a step forward and spoke up. "I haven't been able to see her future not since the honeymoon." Alice stressed.

"We've been researching legends, but there isn't much to go on. What we do know is that it's strong and fast growing." Carlisle explained,

"Why haven't you done anything?" Jacob growled, stepping closer to the doctor. "Take it out of her!" Kaz narrowed his eyes at the him getting pissed of at the shifter.

"This is none of your business dog!" Rosalie snarled.

"She's not wrong." Kaz pipped up standing up for Rosalie. "And If you don't like it Jacky, well you know where the door is."

There was a very tense silence for a moment Jacob glaring at the smirk that rested on kaz's face, Jacob knew if kaz was on Bella's side there was nothing he could do he couldn't fight him, no he would lose. But he was surprised bella looked like she was dying and kaz looked like he didn't care.

Edward stood up straight hearing the last part of Jacobs thoughts knowing he was wrong. "Jacob I need to talk to you." Edward broke the silence storming of with Jacob following him.

"Don't let the door hit you on your way out!" Kaz turned around shouting after them.

Alice let out a chuckle, "wanna watch a movie?" She questions him breaking the silence after kaz had said that.

His head snapped around to her voice and he nodded eagerly as they sat next to bella on the couch, Alice getting the remote and sitting beside her boyfriend turning the TV on. 

"Bell your boy toys are pissing me off." He grumbled to her as toy story started playing.

"Okay one, Edwards my husband not my boy toy." Bella took a breather before looking at kaz with a raised eyebrow. "And Jacob doesn't get an opinion it's got nothing to do with him."

"That's my girl." Kaz whispers looking at Bella with a smile.

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