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Bella let out a gasp as she falls forward and kaz could hear the spine snap

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Bella let out a gasp as she falls forward and kaz could hear the spine snap. Before he knees could touch the floor kaz is the first one to react, by picking her up bridal style.

"I've got you Bells." He says as he stands up with her in his arms before speeding of down to Carlisle's home office, Edward right behind him his eyes wide.

"Rosalie, pass the morphine." Edward says, standing over Bella as they had her laid on the table.

"Carlisle said the placenta must of detached." Alice says to Edward saying what Carlisle had just told her from the phone. While the others got the stuff ready Alice had called the one person who might have an idea on what to do.

Edward stabs Bella with the needle. "He's coming as fast as he can... But." Alice paused looking wide eyed as the next words left her father's mouth.

"We'll have to do it." Rosalie carry's on Alice sentence.

"Well I'm fucking glad one of us is a nurse." Kaz runs a hand through his hair.

"Who?" Jacob questions although it gets answered when kaz points towards rose who had just picked up a scalpel.

"Rose! Let the morphine spread." Edward grabbed the girls hand stopping her.

"There's no time. He's dying." Rosalie stressed.

"Get him out now!" Bella yells gasping for breath.

Edward looks up to bella and let's go of Rosalie's hand so she can do what she needs to do.

Raven let out a gasp as she smelt Bella's blood. "I..I can't be hear." She spared Alice a look who sent her a small smile before zooming out the room to try and get to the other side of the house.

"Look at me, Bella." Jacob says going into her line of vision so she doesn't see what Rosalie is doing.

Although Bella let's out a defining scream as Rosalie starts to cut.

Kaz see Rosalie remove the blade before looking at it. "Kaz!" She yells, when she feels the urge to feed take over, she calls towards him knowing he'll be best to help her in a time of need.

He zooms around the table and tackles her to the ground pushing away the scalpel. "Hey, hey! Look at me!" He grips her face as she tries to fight him of. "Alice!" He squeals when rose nearly kneels him in the nuts.

"Alice! Get her out of her." Edward demands.

Kaz's head snapped over towards the bronze haired boy. "What did you think we were gonna do, let her eat your fucking wife!"

The couple get Rosalie to her feet and speed her out the room. They knocked into the kitchen island, kaz had a hand round the blondes neck as Rosalie had hers in his hair and one on Alice arm. "Come on now Rosie, it's not nice to eat people." Kaz says trying to clam her down, and get his fucking hair back.

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