Chapter 2

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They were very lovely, a pretty face to match their pretty personality. If any outside person saw how us workers reacted to a new face entering the room would only assume that we are depleted of any human interaction, to say that we didn't surround them like hungry vultures would sadly be a lie. However, I, unlike my coworkers, kept myself at a distance (not wanting to stress them out). That's what I always do though, watch from a distance.

I am a very sad person, literally and figuratively. I sought after love and attention persistently. I think that maybe if I just had someone to love and someone to love me, then I wouldn't be stuck living the same pathetic life every single day. I guess that you could ultimately say that I am a hopeless romantic of sorts.

I sat at my cubicle and held my breath watching them laugh at some sad excuse of a joke that someone from their left told. Although it was a pretty horrible joke, I wish that I was even remotely funny, I want to tell them some corny joke and make their face twist up all silly as they laugh at my nonsense all carefree. I let my eyes trail back over to my computer, there is so much work that needs to get done. I spun around in my chair so that I was now positioned nicely in front of my desk and no longer facing the gathering of my fellow coworkers. I tried my hardest to tune out all of the noise, however, it was all so foreign. My ears now craved the noise of happy chatter and my heart only wished to be a part of it all, this made me silently hope that tomorrow was just like yesterday, boring. My eyes skimmed through all of the data I already had typed out on the computer then at the papers, that I had placed right next to my keyboard. I'm not getting a pay cut just because some of us lacked attention from mommy and daddy and are now seeking out that wanted attention from a new, pretty coworker. Fucking pathetic, honestly! How sad!

The door creaked open and it suddenly got awkward and silent, tensions were high in the room in the span of one second. I furrowed my brows and raised my head, spotting our boss looking utterly pissed. I quickly lowered my head and continued transferring the data. I couldn't help but be a bit frightened, Mr. Allen looked like he could kill and the last thing that I wanted was to be one of his poor victims. I quickly typed away as I heard some of those in the group scurry off to their workstations to finally get their work started or out of fear of losing their jobs.

"Someone, please! Please, tell me why Mr. Toro is the only one here doing his work? Aren't you all supposed to be taking care of patients' data? Hm?" Mr. Allen stood there, impatiently tapping his foot. I couldn't help but shrink down into my office chair. I bit down on my bottom lip, playing with some of my hair.

"It is completely my fault sir, I am so sorry. I'll immediately get to work." (Y/n), our new coworker, profusely apologized with a frown now taking over their face.

"No, no. Mx. (L/n), please do not apologize for your incompetent, idiotic coworkers' actions. It's not your fault that these idiots need attention this badly." He gave them a lighthearted smile, "Why don't we just go have a talk in my office, hm?"

They simply nodded and agreed. "Yes, of course, sir."

"Fantastic! Now, get to work you babbling buffoons!" Mr. Allen scolded the workers who still dared to stand where they were. Allen and (Y/n) left the room with Allen's hand on the small of (Y/n)'s back. I felt my face scrunch up and let out a soft "blah!"

I already know that life is going to be far different.

This Water Cooler Romance [Ray Toro x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now