Chapter 3

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I shoved my hand into my pants pocket and fished out my keys unlocking my front door, I stopped before entering my home, looking over at my oddly empty driveway. My car broke down just as I was pulling out of work, luckily Matt (a good friend of mine) lived close by so I called him up asking if he could give me a ride home then called roadside assistance while I waited for Matt to arrive. Once he did, it was an awkward ride to my house since the two of us hadn't talked in a while, however, the drive was a quick one (thankfully). Ever since (L/n) showed up, nothing is going the way I want it to. I frowned twisting the doorknob and pulling the door open, stepping into my cold, dark home. I bent down, untying the laces of my shoes and kicking them off. This is the worst...

I trudged to the opposite side of my house, over to my bedroom. Once I arrived, I flipped the switch on and took notice of how the lights angrily flickered before completely burning out. I inhaled an angry breath, pulling my phone from my back left pocket, and flipped it open so that I had some light to navigate the room (just enough to allow me to find some clothes and then leave). I ripped a crewneck down from its hanger then grabbed a random pair of sweatpants from the floor. Closing my phone, I shuffled out of my room and over to the bathroom to get dressed. I hastily pulled off my work clothes and slipped into my much more comfortable ones. I opened the door and shut off the light and walked to the living room. Once arriving I threw myself onto my beloved couch, taking in a deep breath and squeezing my eyes shut in an attempt to calm myself. I held my eyes closed for a few moments before opening them and reaching over to my coffee table to retrieve the tv remote. Once I had my hand on the remote, I pressed the 'on/off' button. Daria's voice monotonous voice rang out, pulling me from my angry state. This is exactly what I needed at this moment, something unexciting. Now, don't get me wrong, I like the show! However, her voice was just so flat that it gave me some clarity after all of the events that occurred today. All thanks to them.

That night I couldn't sleep, not even with my trusted melatonin. I tossed and turned all night long, so when I did finally pass out it was around 5:30 to 6, giving me only about one hour of rest. So now I'm sitting at my dinner table, tears pouring down my face as I pathetically sip at my coffee. Today is already off to a horrid start, I would rather break both of my legs than go to work. The simple thought of those cubicles makes my skin crawl. I set down my, now, empty mug and pull out my phone, flipping it open. I pull up my messages with Matt, my fingers quickly glided over the keyboard as I pressed down on all of the buttons needed.

To Matt:

hey r u still getting me?

I sat for a minute, waiting for a reply before deciding to get up and throw on my coat and shoes. I paced around in the hall that led to my front door waiting for a text back, biting my bottom lip. Just then my phone buzzed, I quickly pulled it out and saw my little screen light up with the display I'd been waiting for, '1 new message received.' To this, I let out a sigh of relief as I opened up the message.

From Matt;

No. Srry.

"Fuck!" I cried out, thanks a lot Matt, how reliable you are!

To Mikey:

pls take me to wrk? I'll pay u.

I held my breath as my fingers danced and tapped along the bottom of my phone.

From Mikey:

sure, b there in 5.

I finally let out the breath that I'd been holding and slightly smiled as I adjusted my jacket and then made sure that I had everything I needed before walking out the front door, beginning my five-minute wait. I hummed and tapped my foot, watching how the tree branches danced above me, and listened to all of the birds singing their lovely songs. I totally could've just skipped... Loud, aggressive honking caught my attention, I looked up (startled) to be met with Mikey's Nissan. I noticed that his older brother sat up in the passenger seat, Gerard Way. I jogged up to the car and tugged on the handle, pulled the door open, and sat down in the seat behind Gerard.

"Mikey, you angel, thank you so much!" I praised, leaning over between the front two seats, a hand gripping his shoulder tightly. Mikey smiled at me before taking the car out of park. I now put my attention to the older Way, "Hey Gerard, how are you, man? You still working to get that cartoon aired?"

He turned his head towards me, smiling shyly, "Yeah, I'm not sure if they really dig the idea though. Shit sucks."

"One day! I love the concept, isn't he uh," I snapped my fingers, eyebrows furrowed. "He's a Scandinavian monkey chef, right?" His eyebrows rose in shock.

"Hell yeah, he is!" He laughed, "How'd you remember that?" I shrugged, smiling.

"You're one of my good friends, of course, I remembered!"

"Hey, Ray, sorry to interrupt, but we're taking you to that shitty office job of yours, right?" Mikey questioned, making a right turn. I frowned, leaning back into the seat.

"Yeah," I mumbled, looking up into the rearview mirror (where I saw Mikey furrowing his brows).

"Dude... If you really hate it there, why don't you quit? You have serious musical talent, you could get far as a musician and we all know it." Mikey frowned, his hand reaching up to the rearview mirror, adjusting it so that now he could look me in the eyes (without having to turn his head, of course).

I sighed, "Yeah, I mean, I guess so. I really do want to be in a band and all, but I don't have the time or the money, I guess. Plus! There's no way there's a band around here that would let me join." I frowned, drumming my fingers against my thighs.

"Stop the car," Gerard demanded, giving me a look of disbelief.

"Mikey, don't you dare, I have to get to work!" I argued.

"Stop. The. Car."

So, here we are, parked in a Walgreens parking lot with both men staring me down. I looked down at my hands, which were now folded in my lap.

Gerard spoke first, "Do you even know where we are?"

I gulped, nervously chuckling, "Uh, yeah?"

"Okay, where are we then?"

"Walgreens." I looked up, sheepishly smiling.

"I'm gonna beat your ass, Toro!" Gerard laughed, " We're in New Fucking Jersey! There are bands all over the damn state!" His hands wildly moved about as he scolded me. He doesn't get it... I do want to live out my dreams, I just can't, not yet...

I frowned, looking out the window, "Mikey, please just take me to work. I gotta be able to pay to tow company so that I can get my car back, please?"

Mikey looked at me then over at his (agitated) older brother, "Yeah, I can." He replied, sticking his key back into the ignition, and turning the car back on.

"Promise me something, Ray," Gerard looked at me with a, now, pleading look in his eyes, "Promise me that by September of next year, if you're still working at that shithole and you hate your life... Promise me that you'll quit and pursue your dream."

I pursed my lips and sighed, "Yeah, sure, I promise."

It wasn't long before we arrived at my work, I gathered my things and opened the back door, placing my lunch and briefcase down on the asphalt (not yet stepping out of the car). I fished out my wallet and pulled out a ten, holding it out to Mikey with a 'here'. To this, Mikey stared at me with a straight face, unmoving.

"I thought you needed money to get your car back," He deadpanned. To this, I chuckled, retracting my hand (shoving the money back into the wallet).

"Right, sorry. Thanks for the ride though Mikes. I hope to see you guys again soon, take care."

I stepped out, carefully shutting the car door, and grabbed my belongings. I turned towards the front of the building, frowning.

"Here's to a good day," I uttered, letting my feet drag me over to the door.

(1,435 words)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2022 ⏰

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