Chapter 3-Leaving Dauntless

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Tris POV
Tears threatened to spill as I left the dauntless building. That's where I be up. That's where most of my memories were formed. Now I have to move just to go to a stupid HighSchool. Christina and I dragged our suitcases out the main entrance and to the cars.
"I love you Beatrice, always remember that. I'll miss you so so so much." My mother sobbed. That was all I needed. Tears came running down my face. I gave my mum and dad a big hug. Then it was my brothers turn. After a few minutes of hugging and crying, Caleb-my brother 1 year older than me-, Christina and I jumped into the taxi. We waved until we couldn't see our parents anymore. I was about to start crying when I remembered it wasn't going to help me. Instead I laid my head on Caleb's shoulder and went to sleep for most of our drive to Divergent Games High. I couldn't wait to get there and see who I was in a dorm with. Me and Christina had put in a request to be together but we didn't know how many people per dorm. For now, I didn't worry about it. I just let myself drift of to sleep

Caleb's POV
As I got into the car, leaving all my childhood memories behind for a few years, Beatrice lay her head on my shoulder as she went to sleep. Christina left off leaning on the car door and I just sat there, reading my favourite book of all time, Tomorrow when the war began. Soon I felt my eyelids get heavy.

The next thing I knew I was waking up as the taxi was driving into a large pair of gates. Inside was the most amazing school I had ever seen. As he kept driving, past the gates and the school, he pulled into a large parking right in front of what I guessed were the dormitories. I heard Chris squeal which woke Tris up. As she got up from my shoulder, her eyes lit up with excitement. Her and Christina ran out the taxi into a large area of grass separating the car park from the dorms. Tris lay dos there and Chris just sat there. They had big grins on their face. I love it, I thought to myself. I finally climbed out the taxi, payed the man what my parents had given me to pay him and took all three of out suit cases out.

Christina POV
I sat there, not the grass while Tris was saying something to me. "I can't wait for this year to start. I can't wait to make more friends, live in dorms and go to school." She said with much happiness in her voice. "Same, but instead of the school part I can't wait to go to parties and meet cute guys." I wriggled my eyebrows whilst saying the last part. She giggled and we turned to help Caleb carry our bags to a corner where Tris and I decided to stay while Caleb went and got our dorm numbers and keys. I know Tris couldn't wait to make new friends but I really hoped we would turn out to be in the same dorm.

Just as Caleb left, four cute guys walked past and I heard one of them whisper shout shut up. Ohhhhhh. I wondered what gossip they were talking about. I was known as the gossip queen at our old school and I knew basically anything that had happened. I saw Tris roll her eyes and giggle as I pretended to be a spy and follow them. Then the cutest guy of all of them said,"What if she heard you guys. I mean I just saw her and I don't know if I really really like her. If she found out I liked her, she would think I was either a creep or a playboy." He said to his friends who were laughing.

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