01| 𝑚𝑒𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑓𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒

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01.08.2021 -Emilias Pov-

It was the Morning before the Hungarian Grand Prix and for the record Im the most excited one.

I normally watch all the races at home along with my Mom, but this one is different because I wanted to suprise my Brother, Bestfriend and Father Figures. So that's why I'm here today. 

I begin to do my Make-up and to get dressed. Afterwards I went downstairs to make myself some Breakfast.

I am currently staying in my Uncles Loft here in Hungary so that i don't have to pay for a Hotel Room. The only condition i had to do was sharing the Loft with his Son aka my Cousin who is  4 years younger than me.

10 Minutes later the food was ready so i made my way to Davids Room to wake him up.

"David kommst du? Ich hab Frühstück gemacht." I woke him up. (David are you coming? I made breakfast.)

"Ja gib mir 5 Minuten was gibt es zum Essen?" He answers me. (Yes give me 5 Minutes and what food did you do?)

"Ok aber beeil dich wir müssen in ner Stunde am Ring sein" I told him completly ignoring the food question. (Ok, but hurry up, we have to be at the pit in an hour). And with that I left his room.

10 Minutes later he comes fully dressed down the stairs.

"Also was machen wir jetzt heute? Du hast was vom Ring gesagt?" He asked me as he entered the room. (So what are we doing today now? You said something about the pit?).

"Also Ralph meinte wir sollten heute zum Grand Prix um Mick zu überraschen als seine sogenannten 'Schutzengel'"
I said to him .(So Ralph said we should go to the grand prix today to surprise Mick as his so-called 'guardian angels)

"Ok gut zu wissen treffen wir uns mit Papa dann am Ring oder holt er uns hier ab?" He asked me. (Ok good to know are we meeting Dad at the grid or is he picking us up from here?)

"We meet him at the grid" I answered his question while switching back to English.

We finished eating our breakfast. Cleaned our 'Mess' up and then made our way to my car.

We drove quietly to the grid.

I pulled into the parking lot area and searched for a free parking lot. It was quite tough to get a spot but in the end we got one.

We locked the car up and went inside to search for the Sky Sports F1 team more specifically for Ralph. We took a round the pit and were currently standing next to some food truck and were completely lost.

"Warum rufen wir Papa nicht einfach an? Dann könnte er uns abholen?" David broke the silence between us. (Why dont we just call Dad? Then he could just pick us up?)

"Brauchen wir nicht ich habe sie gerade gefunden" I answered him. (We don't need it, I just found them)

With that I grabbed Davids hand and pulled him literally in thr direction of the Sky Sport Stand.

I didn’t pay any attention where im walking my eyes only focus the Sky Sport Stand and as fate it wanted I actually ran into someone.

"Oh god im so sorry. I wasn't paying attention where im walking sorry again..." I apologized to the person. As i looked up i stared into the most beautiful green eyes  I've ever seen. And on top of these gorgeous eyes he is wearing a ferrari racing suit.

"It's alright don't worry" The Guy said with a slight French accent which is kinda cute if you ask me.

Oh god I'm simping over a guy I just met fuck. What is wrong with me.

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