11| Goodbye Monaco

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08.09.2021 -Emilia's Pov-

I woke up but not in my bed much to my surprise. I was laying on the couch but my head was laying on someone's chest.

I gently put my head up and was shocked when I saw Charles peacefully sleeping. I tried to stand up but Charles pulled me back down. Since I couldn't do anything I looked around and saw Mick and Dennis on the other side of the couch also heavily asleep.

I couldn't reach my phone so I called Lily silently but she didn't hear me but Napoleon did. So he walked up to me and laid his head on the couch with a facial expression which I am pretty sure means: what do you want human?

So I asked him to get me my phone. At first, I thought he won't understand my words but surprisingly he did so he got me my phone.

I laid my head back on Charles's chest and swiped through Instagram. It was currently 10 am which meant my plane leaves in 24 hours so I have enough time to pack everything up.

The fact that I'm going back home is weird after I spent nearly 2 weeks with Charles but I have to go back home.

So I turned around and gently woke Charles up. "Charlie comes on you have to wake up. Otherwise, I can't get up and I could use the toilet right now." I said to him and it didn't take him 5 seconds to wake up.

"Hmmh...What are you talking about?" He said sleepily until he realized what I just said and he quickly removed his hands from my hips he was holding. I thanked him quietly and ran to the bathroom.

10 Minutes later I went back into the living room where Charles was now sitting on the sofa instead of laying down. Napoleon jumped on the couch and was now laying beside Charles who petted him and was watching something on Instagram. Mick and Dennis on the other hand were still very much asleep.

I was now standing directly behind Charles and put my chin on his shoulder and mumbled "what are you doing? It looks pretty interesting" and looked him directly in his eyes.

He looked up and blushed. I was surprised that he blushed until I saw, that he had my Instagram Profile open. "Uhm... I..." He started but couldn't get any words out.

"Hey, it's alright Charles. I'm flattered." I assured him with a smirk on my face. His cheeks are still red but that doesn't matter to me or him. Today was also the last day for me in Monaco, tomorrow I would fly back to Switzerland to visit my Mom. I am a bit sad that I can't take Charles and Mick with me home but I couldn't change anything and neither could they. They have to start racing in Monza which would be like a second home race for Charles, since it's the city where the Ferrari Headquarters are.

"What are you thinking about?" Charles pulled me out of my thoughts. "Hmmh? What sorry I wasn't listening what did you say?" I asked him after he just smiles and repeated the words he just said. "Uhm I was thinking that today is my last day here in Monaco with you and that I would rather take you with me than leave you here by yourself." I didn't realise what I just said and when I did it was already too late since Charles heard every word I just said.

He looked me in the eyes and put his hand on mine, which I placed on the couch. His touch makes me shiver not because I don't like it. It's more like it because I enjoy it too much. "I know I feel the same way. If it weren't for the race I wouldn't let you go but unfortunately we can't do that you have to go home and I have to go to Monza" Charles said while still looking me in the eyes and I could see a tiny hint of sadness. My breathing got heavier and I couldn't tell why.

Charles still looked at me and I returned it we both didn't say anything until Charles broke the silence between us and said: "you might hate me for what I am going to do now Emilia but I just can't help it knowing I can't see you in real life for the next 2 Weeks and it's already killing me..." and with that, he closed the gap between us and before I could even say anything I could feel his lips softly touch mine.

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