15 | The morning after

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-27.09.2021- Emilias Pov:

I woke up laying on someone's chest. I pulled my head up to see Charles laying there and smiled. Suddenly, the memories of yesterday were flooding back into my head, and I couldn't help but smile more.

I leaned to Charles's face and pressed a kiss on his cheek, and mumbled a quiet. "Good morning, Charlie." He woke up and looked at me with a smile on his face and mumbled in his raspy morning voice "Good morning Millie. Yesterday was amazing." "Oh yes it was" I smiled at him widely. 

We smiled at each other before Charles leaned down to me and kissed me softly on the lips. I was shocked at first and then smiled into the kiss and kissed him back. After a few minutes we break apart from the kiss and just smile at each other. "I could kiss you for ages Millie and even more since yesterday which was incredible" he said while looking directly in my eyes. My cheeks felt hot which could only mean, that they are red. 

"Me too Charles, Me too and I wanted to do this since our Kiss in Monaco but I was to scared you would reject me... just like my ex" I replied to him and realized to late what I just said, because I never talked with anyone about my ex except for Mick, Seb, Max and my Mom. 

"You're Ex? What do you mean with that? Emilia i like you a lot I wouldn't have rejected you I like you too much for that... but what is the problem with you're ex?" He asks me confused. I sighed heavily before starting to tell him everything about my ex. 

"As you know I play or well better said played Sarah Cameron in Outerbanks and on the set I met Chase Strokes who also plays my love interest in the series. We fell in love at the set and it soon turned into a real relationship... but uhm... well we were happy at least i thought that. Anyways we were invited to a new years party at my Drew's  (Drew Starkey) house..." I pause for a moment. Charles looks at me concerned and puts his hand on my shoulder to comfort me.

"we arrived there and everything was fine we had fun until he disappeared with saying he has to go to the toilet. So i stood next to my friends mainly Drew and Rudy... Uhm where was i ah yes I spent the rest of the night with Drew and Rudy but was wondering what took Chase so long since he only wanted to go to the toilet. So i started searching for him and well..." I stopped again the memories of that night flew back into my head.

Charles seemed to notice that and said: " you don't have to tell me if you're not ready Emilia". "I know I don't but i want to..." I assured him and continued "so i searched for him and well I found him but he wasn't alone...." Charles eyes widened. "You're telling me that he cheated on you at you're friends New years party?" he asks me. I couldn't say anything so i just nodded and then was wrapped into a tight hug from Charles. 

"Thank you for telling me... I'm sorry he cheated on you. You are an amazing woman and deserve nothing but the best. I know that you just got over your'e ex but i have to tell you now... I have developed strong feelings for you but i also understand you wanting to take things slow... but like I said I needed to get this off my chest..." He mumbles into my hair. 

After we break apart from the hug I looked him in the eyes and said: "Thank you for understanding... I have strong feelings for you too but i really want to take things slow at least give me a week and we can go on dates in this week if you like... but lets not become a couple straight away... would that be ok with you?..." "Yes of course that would be more than alright. All I want is for you to feel safe and loved." He replies smiling. 

-Timeskip 5th October 2021- 

In the last week Charles and I practically did everything together since we had a lot of time together. Today I was going to tell him that I am ready to be in a new relationship with him. I was excited. 

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