14| the new Winner (smut)

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-26.09.2021- Sebastian Vettel

Today was the Singapore Grand Prix, and it finished nearly 10 minutes ago. I was told by my Race Instructor, that Checo won the race with Lewis and Carlos in 2 and 3. I was happy for them. As I got out of the car, I made it to my Drivers room, where I changed my Racesuit to normal clothes and went to the award ceremony in the middle of the pit line.

I was just in time for the ceremony and was joined by my "Gridkids" Mick, Charles, and Max.

"So what do you think about Checos win Max?" I asked him."It would be cool if he won it actually, but that is not how Checo drives. The driver who won it drives like you, Seb, and you're Dad Mick. " Max answered my question. My eyes widened as he said that. The only person who drives Like that is my Goddaughter Emilia, but that doesn't make any sense why she would drive a Red Bull Car...

Mick and Charles also looked surprised at Max's words. Then thr Ceromony began and Carlos came out then Lewis and then there was a German Flag next to the British and Spanish Flag which could only mean, that I am right and Emilia really drove the race in Checos Place.

When Lewis was out, there was only one driver left. I was excited and also hoped that I was right.

And just in that moment, she got onto the stage and was greeted with a lot of applause, which didn't seem to stop. I guess the four of us were clapping the loudest.

Emilia waved to all of us and smiled more when she saw us four. Then the 3 Winners were handed their Trophys and the National Anthem for Germany, and Austria were played.

After the Ceremony was done we went towards the barriers to congratulate Emilia face to face, which turn out to be really difficult. But we managed to get to her.
„SEB" she exclaimed as she saw me and pulled me into a bone crushing hug she did the same with Max, Mick and Charles.

„Congratulations on you're win Ems you deserve it" Max said to her while smiling like a donkey. „thanks max but I have a suprise for you all. Mick and Seb you both need to promise me not to be mad at me alright?" Emilia said. "Why would we be mad I don't under..." I started but stopped in the middle of the sentence since someone got my full attention. Mick looked at me confused but once he saw the person walking in front of us he had tears in his eyes. Max also looked quite confused at us but soon understood why we were speechless.

The three of us were like frozen and couldn't move, but somehow did Charles and Emilia managed to get us into the cool down room. "I knew they would react like that, I mean you know you're reaction" Emilia mumbled to Charles thinking we couldn't hear her. Well I did but Max and Mick not they were pretty much in their own bubble. "Wait... You knew Charles?... You knew that he was alright and walking?" I said with a raspy voice not really thinking that everything infront of me is actually real.

"Yes I knew Seb but only because I called Emilia on the day she arrived at home to visit her Mom and Sister and then she told me about Michael... but also told me not to tell you so that he can tell you that himself as a suprise..." Charles said to me explaining the whole situation. As soon as he stopped talking Michael walked in with Gina and Corinna following him. I just nodded at Charles completely done with the whole situation.

"Seb?" Michael asked me as he layed his eyes on me now I was the one who had tears in my eyes all I could do was nod and pulled him into a tight hug. Gosh how much I missed those hugs. We broke away from the hug and Michael went to Max and Mick and pulled each of them into a hug. Tears were streaming down both of their faces. I never saw Max cry but i guess the main reasons for the tears were, that he basically grew up with Michael and missed him since it's been nearly 9 years since his accident and I'm glad that he is fine.

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