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-30.09.2021- Emilias  Pov

2021- Emilias  Pov

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heyyy you online?

I need to tell you something

I'm here what's up?

you know my dad right and you know that nearly everyone in my family is somehow in the Motorsport active right?

yeah ik what do you want to say with that?

I... well I don't know how to say that...

Out with it

I got a offer to drive for Red Bull next season

Holy Shit!!!
You better accept this deal this is huge!!

you're not mad?

mad? why would I be mad?
that's a huge step for you and I'm greatful for you
you deserve it <3

thank you Charles <3
and yeah I accepted the deal

these are great news Rival 🤭

you're so weird Charles 😂

but....but I Thought you liked me? 😟

unfortunately I do which makes me question a lot of things about myself 😂

now who's the weird one? Definitely not me

it's also not me haha
where are you at the moment?

I'm still in Stravelot why are you asking?

do you want to meet up?
I got Lily with me and we need to go for a walk so do you want to join us?

I would love to join you
where are we meeting?

what about in front of the stadium?

sure in 5 Minutes?

sure see you in 5
-read 14:25-

I was putting my coat and shoes on and wanted to leave the house but then I realized I forgot to get Nala.

"Lily! Komm her Mäuschen" I screamed. (NALA! Come here darling)

After I said her name I heared her coming downstairs, I grabbed her leash and was now just waiting for her to get to me.

"There you are my Darling. Do you want to go outside for a walk?" I greeted her as she walked next to me.

𝗟𝗼𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗹 -𝚌.𝚕𝚎𝚌𝚕𝚎𝚛𝚌Where stories live. Discover now