Chapter 2

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Once I had the members of my team I went back to headquarters for even more paperwork. Mia didn't require anything, although I did ask for locations of feeders in the outside world. Mia could go a few days without if she needed to, but it would be in our best interest if she could use her magic to the fullest. Luckily this close to Court there were enough Moroi in the area to warrant many feeder locations. I was surprised to see that there were actually so many in the US. I knew a lot of non-royal Moroi lived in cities with humans, but maybe we weren't on the brink of extinction after all.

I saw a location near Portland, Oregon. I smiled. That would have been very easy if we had known that. Although Lissa and I could hardly have walked into a feeder station back then. Portland felt so long ago. It was before I met Dimitri and it had just been Lissa and me. So much has changed since then. I was a full-fledged Guardian now.

Getting Mikhail to go was a bit more paperwork. I had to pull him from the archives, somehow making sure his shifts were covered. When I pointed out to Hans that it should be his job, he had just laughed and walked away before handing me more paperwork.

All in all I had been at headquarters for hours. Arranging transportation, making the first day's reservations, which was a nightmare. We couldn't just stay at any hotel. Guardians had to stay at headquarters-approved hotels. According to the Guardian who gave me these lists, these hotels have been researched so they have enough exit points, are easily defendable and don't break the bank. But between the rather short list, and the time crunch, not many hotels were still available.

This would be happening a lot I think, we would be moving around, probably without notice. We could deviate from the list at our own peril. Those had been his exact words. I didn't know if he meant the retribution from Hans for not following procedure or because they could be unsafe because they hadn't been checked. But I intended to find out.

After it was well past midnight, I finally arrived at my guest apartment building. I was exhausted. Between Dimitri and the paperwork, I was emotionally drained and brain dead.

I walked up the stairs towards my room, rummaging through my pocket trying to find my key when I saw someone sitting in front of my door. He was playing with his phone. Adrian.

I was a little startled. Because I had completely forgotten about Adrian. The whole day I had been thinking about going on this mission and of course Dimitri, but Adrian had never crossed my mind. It should have, he was my boyfriend. But the fact I hadn't considered him at all, well, that spoke volumes didn't it.

We had been sort of on the fence too and I couldn't blame him. I had been preoccupied before I had been assigned this mission.

He approached and before I could say anything, he kissed me gently and then...not so gently. He poured a lot in this kiss. Almost as if he was afraid if I would talk I would say something he didn't like. Kissing was nice and simple.

I was always surprised by my body's reaction to Adrian. I never had the urge to kiss him, but when I did, I wanted more. It wasn't the same as Dimitri, where I could feel him across the room and where his mere touch set me on fire, but it was definitely a reaction.

When he finished and pulled back I had a hard time forming a coherent thought. He gave me a soft smile, that smile that was reserved only for me. He may be a bit of a womanizer, but I knew he loved me. But could I say the same? I cared for him, I did. and maybe if we had time together it could turn into love.

But we didn't have time.

"Come in, Adrian." I finally found the key and turned the lock and opened the door. He stepped inside. I sat on a chair purposely. That way he didn't have a chance to sit next to me and he had to sit opposite me. Of course Adrian didn't sit and just started pacing.

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