Chapter 22

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I slowly opened my eyes. It took more effort than I was willing to admit. It felt like I had them closed for a week. I could feel some crusties in them, like I sometimes have after a long and good sleep.

I noticed I was in my new bed in the suite next to Lissa's. It was a nice bed. Maybe that was what it was. I was finally able to sleep for a week because of this amazing bed. But then again, why did it hurt to even lie here, not moving.

I groaned as I tried to move and something stirred next to me. I noticed the hand that had been holding mine squeeze a little harder and a very welcome face entered my field of vision.

"Roza?" By the sound of it, Dimitri had also been asleep for that week. He had a stubble that wasn't unappealing. His clothes were wrinkled and there were bags under his eyes. He looked like shit.

"Hey Comrade." I tried to say, but it came out a raspy whisper. But Dimitri heard me as I could see a small smile graze his features.

I tried sitting up again, but felt a sharp stab in my chest. Dimitri helped me up by holding me while pulling my pillow a little higher and then placing me a little further against it, so I wasn't lying but more leaning against the headboard.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You don't remember?"

I felt my chest again. I could feel bandages and beneath that was the source of my pain. I remember a lot of blood and a lot of pain. But after that nothing.

I shook my head.

"Tasha shot you."

Right. She was panicking and she was aiming for me, but ran a little wide. The bullet would have hit - . I sat up a bit more, and with wide panicked eyes asked Dimitri. "Lissa?"

Dimitri smiled. "She is safe, not a scratch on her." I relaxed back into my pillow, more relieved than I could ever have imagined. "She is in the next room. She will want to know you are awake."

"How long have I been out?"

Dimitri got up and let go of my hand. "Almost a week." He kissed my forehead and then left the room, no doubt to call Lissa. I know it was hard for him to leave me, but he realized that Lissa was a part of me as much as he was. And he had to share me with her.

A moment later, Lissa stormed into the room. When she saw me, her eyes started to water and then she flung herself at me. I groaned in pain and she pulled back a little. "Oh, sorry"

I shook my head. "It is nothing."

"You saved me."

I cocked my head as if she was saying to most idiotic thing in the world. "Of course."

She started crying again. "You jumped in front of a bullet for me!"

I started to laugh. "Of course, I am your guardian." She hugged me again, this time a little gentler and I hugged her back. I needed to know she was here and safe just as much as she needed to know I was still alive.

"Wait, if I have been asleep for a week? Does that mean?"

Lissa nodded. "I wanted to postpone, but the council said it would be better to not draw too much attention to Tasha's...actions."

I understood that. With the former Queen's killer caught, it was the perfect time to officiate the next Queen, so that the continuation of the Moroi governance was safe.

"Dimitri stayed with you. Janine filled in for you and Mikhail for Dimitri. I wish you had been there, but honestly, I think you would have been bored out of your mind."

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