Chapter 6

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I had half a mind to think she did this on purpose. How else could she have put that on. But Rose often didn't realize the effect she had on men. Or on me. She was just naturally that beautiful, naturally that graceful.

But Damn, I was human, sort of. Even if I told myself there was nothing left between Rose and me emotionally, my body hadn't gotten the message. And then she stretched. Now I know she had done that on purpose. You really didn't need to stretch that deep. I hoped the enamel on my molars would hold from the grinding I was doing.

Rose was turned away from me, so she didn't actually see me and neither did Mia, but Mikhail looked at me, raised his eyebrows and just chuckled. Bastard.

And the way she had looked at me. Like she was affected by my presence too. Maybe she was experiencing the same thing I was. She couldn't possibly be interested in me, not after what I had done, but physical connections were hard to control. It had always been that way for us. Doesn't mean she wanted me emotionally. Besides, she had a boyfriend, didn't she?

I was still feeling the effects of that stare hours later on the way back to the hotel room. It was like a little bit of electricity running across my skin the whole time. So while everyone waited on dinner, I took a shower, hoping to clear my head and to get rid of this feeling. I needed to be in the right headspace to fight tonight.

Because this would be the first time facing Strigoi after I had been turned back. I knew Rose and I could handle three Strigoi, but it wouldn't be easy. And I hadn't fought with my Dhampir strength for a couple of months. I had gotten used to fighting as a Strigoi. I needed my head in the game.

I ate in silence. Mia and Rose were in a conversation about Lissa and Christian and how stupid they were being for not being together yet. I just focused on chewing. It was still strange to me. But I started to enjoy the different flavors again. I would kill for my mother's cooking right now.

Damn, my family. Had anyone told them I was alive again? Rose had told me that she had to tell my family I was dead. So I doubt anyone would take the time now to tell them the reverse. I didn't know if I could face them yet. I wasn't the same person as they remembered. But I had time. I didn't need to contact them right now. I know letting them believe I was dead wasn't ideal. But better that they think I was dead, than broken. I just needed a bit more time.

After dinner, we started to prepare. There was an eerie silence in the room. Rose looked outside and I could see the sun setting. It was time. I could tell Mia was a bit apprehensive. This would be her first time after all. Mikhail was too experienced to let the nervousness show, but I knew it was there.

But Rose and I didn't seem to feel it. Fighting Strigoi had never made us nervous. I knew technically it was dangerous and we could die, but I didn't feel that fear and neither did Rose. Maybe in the moment, but not now. I knew the only reason Rose was apprehensive was because she wanted everyone else to come out alive.

I drove towards the location. Rose had determined we put the car around the corner, a block away. Far enough so they wouldn't hear us coming but close enough for escape should we need it. Rose went over the plan one more time with Mia and Mikhail, asking mostly about how they would escape should we meet a horrible horrible death.

I rolled my eyes. We would be fine. I knew of these Strigoi, they were idiots, former Moroi and one human. No special skills. I knew better than to underestimate Strigoi, but we had dealt with a lot worse. Hell, Rose had dealt with me.

We left Mia and Mikhail in their position and it was just us now. Things went from relaxed to strained in a matter of moments. I really would prefer a Strigoi nest over this tension between us.

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