[~ chapter 01 ~]

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Part one,

꧁ 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘛𝘳𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘋𝘰𝘤𝘵𝘰𝘳 ꧂

꧁ 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘛𝘳𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘋𝘰𝘤𝘵𝘰𝘳 ꧂

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Thunders crackled in the distance as you carefully put one foot in front of another in the muddy ground. You had to pause for a moment as thunder struck a tree nearby. Water splattered down from the sky mercilessly, some bouncing off your frame. Unfortunately, most ice-like droplets absorbed and clung onto your garments. Droplets edged out by the corners of your sleeves from the amount of liquid it had absorbed.

The previous journey to Tsurumi island was rough to say so, and the cloak was tattered from the rough treatment. It appeared you would have to hurry the trip to Konda village. The article of clothing had absolutely seen better days, but the luxury of stopping by to purchase a new one wasn't available.

'Rain rain go away, come again in another day..'

The silhouette of wooden gates and straw roofs were up ahead, waiting for your entrance. It was no doubt a risky decision to visit a village so close to the main city, which contained the palace. The amount of Tenshukaku soldiers increased the moment you reached Narumaki island. It was a hassle going around all of them.

A small group of people were seen by the gates holding torches under umbrellas. You had specifically said in the letter to not wait for you so obviously...

"Doctor! Welcome, welcome, please come in." Finally reaching the crowd, a sigh left with a small white mist from your mouth. Only now did you finally realize about your body's poor condition.

How ironic.

The warmth from the torches were much more welcoming than the rain and wind, but there was no time to waste. "Allow me to examine the children first, please lead the way."

The male in a basic brown yukata nodded and began walking through the small rocky pathway into the village. Many people peeked through their doors to see the your arrival, parents hushing their curious children. You quietly snorted as two children tripped on each other while trying to squish through the doors. "This is where we keep the sick. But doctor, won't you need some rest before treating them?"

There were a few houses slightly separated from the rest of the village, seemingly built in hurry to contain sick individuals. "The journey must've been exhausting, you should begin the treatment once the sun rises."
That was an extremely tempting offer. The past three days were spent with barely five hours of sleep in total. Not to mention having to run half of the journey and hiding from shogunite soldiers.

You grabbed your gloves from the satchel and slid them onto your hands, careful to not get any rainwater in. "Thank you for your concern. Please notify me for any shogunite soldiers."

The doors opened to reveal around a dozen people. Only the upper half of your face was exposed due to the mask.

Curse the Raiden shogun. No one deserved this.

You clenched your gloved hand into a fist and thought words that would get your head chopped off if you ever said it out loud. There was no reasonable excuse for what he was doing. He should feel the pain of the families losing their loved ones to something so small, unseen to the eye. He should know the heartbreak of seeing young children coughing in their beds instead of playing outside.

When will these days be over...


"Your majesty, the doctor has been spotted moving around Narukami island recently."

What was the soldier's name.. Ichito? Ichako? It didn't matter. He was a faceless, nameless soldier born to serve and die anyway. "Narukami island you say?" Placing the goblet down, he smiled sarcastically. "It seems that our dear doctor is sure busy. Traveling through the entirety of Inazuma without ever getting caught... For two years now."

Imoru flinched harshly as a fist slammed down onto the wooden table, echoing through the throne room.

"This is because of you fools! You brainless soldiers had one job of finding a measly doctor, and bring them to the palace alive and kicking. And what do you do?" The poor man froze up at the emperor's rage, unable to look up from the luxurious floor.
"Pathetic, pathetic, PATHETIC! Are you guys deaf, or just stupid? When did I ever ask for a report of where this stupid doctor is? The next time I hear that they have been failed to be caught.."

The indigo haired male clutched the uniform of the soldier in front of him. His knuckles had already turned pale from his sheer amount of force in the hold.

"I will gladly give you the treatment that I have saved for this doctor instead. Understood?"
His victim vigorously nodded, his life flashing before his eyes.
Scaramouche smiled innocently and let go of the nameless soldier before hopping back to his seat.

"Excellent! I hope to see improvement from you useless puppets."

His doors slammed shut by the man who had fled the moment he was released. Usually, Kunikuzhshi would've ordered for him to be killed for slamming the doors with such disrespect after putting him in a foul mood. However, the emperor decided to be generous this one time.

*sigh* "Oh doctor, why won't you be a nice brat and be caught already?" Scaramouche grumbled to himself, taking his seat on the throne. The royal officials present in the space didn't dare to look up from their feet, neither uttered a single word through the choking silence.

He would sacrifice anyone and everything in his way in order to achieve the divine will. One free from the heavenly principles. Not even this nation mattered. These are merely blind mortals that are pawns to his ultimate goal.
He will show his creator that he is capable, and that she was wrong for deserting him all this time. After all, she failed to give her subjects the eternity that had been promised to them.

That he is worthy of the title "shogun."

"Raiden Ei, mark my words." A single sakura petal flew through the window, unable to withstand the rain and wind howling outside. It landed in his hands, as he caressed the beautiful texture fondly.

"I am now an emperor, not the 'Kunikuzushi' you created. Inazuma will remember my name for all of eternity." He crushed the fragile petal in his palm, now ripped and wrinkled.

Eternity she had failed to achieve, which he shall fulfill just out of spite.


Did you see any differences from the first version of this chap

There won't be much interactions between scara and yn for the first few chaps!!

Status: edited

Until next update~
1114 words

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