[~ chapter 02 ~]

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( ❀ )
Part two,

꧁ 𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘦 ꧂



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By the time you had finished treating the last of the infected villagers, the sun was up. The Murasaki cough, quite literally translating to purple cough- it was hard to believe that it had been going around for more than a year now.

The name originated from how the infected patients' lips and thinner skin areas began turning purple as they worsened. Even you had failed to find out the true purpose behind the change in the skin's pigmentation. At first, you had assumed the blood vessels burst and caused bruises underneath the skin. But the patients were perfectly fine.

You were slowly beginning to realize the original remedy wasn't working as fast anymore. But it was a miracle no one had serious symptoms. Although, stars appeared in your vision from the fatigue of days without proper sleep. There wasn't exactly a moment to rest when you're being hunted down by the ruler of a nation.

Taking off the stained gloves, you stared at the birds chirping on a lavender melon tree nearby. Lucky are they, able to go wherever they wish and whenever they want. It was a peaceful morning. Children came out to play, villagers chatted amongst eachother. The only thing that wasn't at ease was your mind. Constantly calculating the distance between the villages, and about when the soldiers will find out your location.

"Um.. Excuse me?"

You nearly jumped off the pile of boxes you were sitting on. Being this tense all the time was probably taking a toll on your mental health.. Not to mention how tired your body was.

"Sorry miss! We didn't mean to scare you." A more squeaky and feminine voice chirped in. There were 3 village children gathered around you, shying away yet not moving from their spots. "T-the adults said bring these to you. As in.. Thank you." A boy who spoke up for the first time offered her a small basket of roasted lavender melons, sprinkled in sugar. It was a cute sight to see, the boy's big eyes looking away in embarrassment and the other two watching for your reaction.

"Thank you guys. Why don't we eat together?" You chirped with a closed eye smile.
As if on command, their eyes sparkled and nodded happily as they joined you on the temporary chairs. "My name is Futaba! This is Takeru, and that's Kyoto. What's your name, strange big sis?"
Futaba took a big bite out of the soft fruit after finishing her introduction.

"My name is..."

You purposely avoided telling people your name in fear of getting caught. Most villages you leave gets invaded and interrogated shortly after. You had only heard from rumors about how far the interrogations went..
It was terrifying to see people getting pushed far enough to the point they spit whatever they know. Surely, they wouldn't fo that to mere children.

𝚂𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚒𝚝𝚢 ||  𝚂𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚘𝚞𝚌𝚑𝚎 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 - old versionWhere stories live. Discover now