[~ chapter 07 ~]

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Part seven,

꧁ 𝘛𝘸𝘰 𝘣𝘶𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘧𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘴 ꧂



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Your empty left hand met with his right hand. Fitting together like two pieces of puzzles, his own leeching of your warmth.

Suddenly, the halls didn't seem so tight anymore.

Kicking your feet underneath the soft covers, you dug deeper into the futon at the memory of mere hours ago. His slender fingers wrapping around your own.. Did your hands sweat? Was it normal to hold hands as friends of opposite sex? Is Kunikuzushi sick today? Even worse, was there anyone around to witness the incident??
It was impossible to get a wink of sleep with the countless questions forcing your mind awake. The time was past twelve, you should be either reading or in your dream world if it was usual schedule.

Hugging the pillow, you leaned your chin on top of it and puffed out your cheeks in thought. There indeed are some memories of you and the prince holding hands and wandering across the city from back a few years ago, but you two were kids back then. Of course, he did break some royal rules by doing so. Actually.. You wouldn't be surprised to discover he broke all the Inazuman royal codes and rules by this point.

His hands felt strikingly familiar, yet felt like a stranger at the same time.

You threw your upper half up the comforter in frustration.

Changing into a simple kimono top with past mid-thigh shorts, you brushed out your hair. It may be everyone else's curfew except any of the direct royals. Other than them, certain positions in the palace are also granted permission to roam anytime in case of emergencies. Doctors are included, which they most take advantage of. (Thank you to doctor Sangonomiya)

Kokomi admitted that she sometimes uses this rule herseld and went out for short walks on sleepless nights. Talking about sleep, you hoped she caught some good Zs while you covered for her. Anyone might've mistook her as a ghost with that pale skin if she walked around at night.

Twisting the knob open, you walked out the door with only socks covering your feet. It gave more speed on ground and muffled any unnecessary noise. No one is likely to stare at your void of proper footwear at this hour anyway. Hopefully..

Striding onwards softly, you glided your fingers across the wall and took in its smooth texture. Occasional guards stared at you momentarily to confirm your identity before focusing on their task at hand again. That task was staring blankly at the wall ahead of them, listening for footsteps. They weren't even allowed to talk with one another. It was amazing how none of them went insane out of boredom of standing there motionlessly for up to hours.

𝚂𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚒𝚝𝚢 ||  𝚂𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚘𝚞𝚌𝚑𝚎 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 - old versionWhere stories live. Discover now