[~ chapter 23 ~]

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Part twenty-three,

꧁  𝘈 𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘮 𝘸𝘦𝘭𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦, ꧂
𝘶𝘯𝘦𝘹𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘯



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The rest of the day was a blur. Kunikuzushi finally sobered up, and didn't remember anything much. He spent most of his afternoon begrudgingly signing paperwork.

His left hand squished against his cheek while the other limb was busy stamping the papers in front of him. The poor object smashed onto the sheets with such force to the point the table was severely dented, but Kunikuzushi didn't pay much attention. You sighed at his childish behavior from the bed, looking up from the book in your hand. "A Legend of Sword," which Kokomi reccomended to you before the.. Incident.

Another headache formed at the though of the priestess. You hoped the letter reached her safely from the other side of Inazuma. The emperor was a single decision away from getting all resistance members executed personally by himself, which you pulled on his ear and lectured him for.. How long was that again? It was dark by the time you were finished with him, and he never talked about the topic again.

The plot of the book was beginning to rise in action. Kunikuzushi's boredom was also rising.

He huffed in irritation while the stack of papers were not ceasing in size. Kazuha was able to look over and respond to most of the letters, but the ones that needed to be stamped by the emperor himself kept piling up. Kunikuzushi never liked doing this. Repetative and boring. Finally having enough of it, he arose from the desk and slowly inched over to the bed. "Kuni, have you finished the paperwork?"


"It's been less than ten minutes since your last 'break' your majesty, get back to work." Your partener groaned at the thought and dropped his head onto your thighs. He looked up to your face and closed his eyes in bliss at the soft texture. It brought his luxrious silk pillows to shame.

"Raiden Kunikuzushi. Get back on that desk and stamp those papers. You're not allowed to come back until it's at least half finished." You dissapointedly looked up from the papers, staring down at him with half slit eyes.




You sighed and placed the book down. The male immediately got up from his position as if he was waiting for that moment and sat on your legs instead. He was in a straddling position with his forehead touching yours. How were you supposed to lecture him with those sparkling violet eyes..

He tilted his head and puffed his cheeks slightly. "Another five minute break, pleasee?"

"You said that last three times."

𝚂𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚒𝚝𝚢 ||  𝚂𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚘𝚞𝚌𝚑𝚎 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 - old versionWhere stories live. Discover now