[~ chapter 22 ~]

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Part twenty-two,

꧁ 𝘔𝘪𝘵𝘴𝘶𝘥𝘰𝘮𝘰𝘦 ꧂



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The fountain made a small splattering noise as water arose and fell. A cluster of small birds flew past by, chirping amongst each other.

You sat up from the stone and made your way to a pond nearby. There were sozu water slides making soft sounds while transporting water from on to another. Pink water lilies had bloomed on the surface of the clear liquid, contrasting with the rather bland color scheme of the pond. A small flash of orange caught your eye.

As you squinted and concentrated into the water below, you spotted two fishes swimming leisurely. One was golden with white splashes of scales, white its companion was black and orange. The black one was busy following the adventurous orange one, making it appear as though they were dancing underwater. It didn't take long to realize they were the fish from the festival you and Kunikuzushi caught.

Tossing some fish food that was nearby, the two came to the surface. You put some flakes onto your hand and reached into the pond in curiosity. The fish you caught swam right in front of you without hesitation. It continued to eat from your hand despite all the food on the surface far away from yourself. Its friend watched from afar for a while before eventually joining yours.

You laughed as Kuni's fish began bumping itself into your hand in an attempt to chase you away. Your goldfish angrily pecked at the other which made it back off. Retracting your hand from the icy water, you gently wiped it on your shirt. It was a rather sunny day so it'll dry quickly anyway.

The water's surface softly rippled as a warm summer wind blew by. Fluffly clouds were rolling up in the endless canvas of blue, blocking the sun from directly shining onto you. Most flowers in the garden were swapped out for the upcoming season, which gave a fresher sight. Still, you missed the sight of wild dendrobiums and nameless wildflowers that bloomed on sidewalks.

"We meet again." The former shogun gracefully walked towards you with a small smile of greeting. You smiled back and stood up from the grass.

"Greetings, my lady. How have you fared so far?"

"Ah, please drop the formalities. I merely wish to bond more with my future daughter in law."

Blush crept up your cheeks at her words. Ei softly smiled at your reaction and looked into the pond. The two of you enjoyed each other's company in silence for a while. As much as you loved Kunikuzushi, it felt relieving to spend some alone time with another female. Ei was sitting on her knees, her hands neatly placed on her thighs. You were just in a crossed position with a hand supporting the weight of your head on your chin.

Surprisingly, you weren't the one to break the comfortable silence. "How are things with Scaram- Kunikuzushi going?"

It seemed everyone was rather used to calling the ruler by the name "Scaramouche," that many were having a hard time getting the new name on their tongue. He may have become a more gentle ruler than before, but he's still snarky and doesn't let those small details pass by without punishment. You scolded him at least a hundred times for that. How advisor Kazuha manages that job seven days a week- no one but him understood.

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