7.0 throes

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Chapter VII-Throes

(meaning: latin for; pain of death)

Edmund sighed, it’s been a week since he has left Cair Paravel with Dyson, Al, and Tracae. They still had another week and half to go before reaching the giants. The mountains were hard to travel up North. Especially since it was just the end of winter. It was still very cold (but not enough to make it snow), hard to find water (that is still frozen), and it was still very slick in many parts of the Narnian mountains.

Dyson looked at his king, “I know that feeling.” 

Edmund looked at him, no he doesn’t. He wanted to be sarcastic again, annoy his siblings, he wanted to be with the only other stubborn person he knew. He missed the glare she gave him when he offended her, he missed so much about home.

He never liked winter ever since the White Witch, and Danialla always bothered him about being a homie during winter. She knew that winter and the White Witch was a touchy subject with him. At first she wouldn’t let it go, and now after she and him became frenemies, she barely spoke of it. Yeah, she’d tell him he’s too stuck up to go outside and play in the snow and those things, but she barely said ‘traitor’ or ‘turkish delight (which has become Edmund’s least favorite words)’ or ‘White Witch’. Sometimes when they were actually arguing, she accidently slipped those words, but she could stop herself before letting loose.

He never realized how lonely he has been without another person as stubborn as him and kept him sane.

“No you don’t,” Edmund muttered. Though, Dyson was not near him this time. He was now farther ahead a little ways, talking with Tracae.

Tracae looked at Edmund, the young centaur sighed. He knew that Edmund missed being sassy to people (the mission had brought down his spirits) and being around the only other person he knew that was as stubborn as he. The boys were walking because of the rocks, having two horses behind Dyson and Edmund. 

Tracae turned to Edmund, “I know you miss her,” Tracae looked back in front of him, “Though, we all do.”

Edmund looked ahead at Dyson and Al, he suddenly felt guilty for thinking that he was the only missing Danialla. He knew that Tracae and Al had known Danialla their whole lives. He also knew that Danialla and Dyson were close, very close, too close to his comfort. He shook his head, ‘Why am I missing her? She’s a brat!’ he told himself. Something that he has done many times during that week. Though it never worked because a few minutes later he started thinking about her again.

He turned to Tracae, “Do you know if she fancies anyone?” he asked, having no emotion in his voice. Tracae smirked at the king. He’s been waiting for this for the past three years to come out of the Just King’s mouth, and it finally has come. He would be rejoicing right now, but he is right beside King Edmund and was on a mission.

“I actually don’t. Though, I am pretty sure she doesn’t fancy anyone. Just a few weeks ago she mentioned to Al and I that she’ll be single for the rest of her life,” he chuckled, “she indicates that to her not fancying anyone. She’s always had a weird way of talking about that stuff.”

Edmund smiled a little, looking down. He knew that the young girl was not like many of the other Narnian girls, nor any other girl that he’d ever met or heard of. She doesn’t like dresses, cross that, she hated them, she didn’t like balls, she hated cooking (surprisingly coming from that her mother is the Head Cook at Cair Paravel), and she despised any kind of romance.

“Why do you ask, my king?”

Edmund quickly let his small smile disappear, he started to stop Tracae from thinking of the possibility that he fancied the girl.

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