15.0 inopinatus

115 2 34

means in latin unexpected

   Over the few weeks that had gone by after the wedding, things had changed around the castle. meriel had become a Queen Consort of Narnia. She basically can rule Narnia, but she doesn't have enough right to be a higher queen than Susan or Lucy unless one steps down as a Queen of Narnia.

   Susan has been asked to start a search to wed. She was requested to go to Telmar to find one possibly. It takes close to seven days to reach Telmar. She would still be in Narnia for another three days. She would be there for two weeks and travel to Archenland for a week. The trip back would be about two weeks if she hadn't found a lover in time.

   Everything seemed to be going back to normal for everyone, although the new queen had given more hope to Narnia about its future. Danialla was getting better from the loss of her family. She was doing a lot of babysitting and sewing kept her busy. She'd gone closer with her nephew in the weeks–as nauvera was weak at times. It had worried Danialla. nauvera would barely move around the house. Danialla suggested a doctor, but nauvera would decline.

   It all seemed to be all right, until one morning. The morning where Danialla had grown to become just a teenage Narnian to one to provide for not just her, but for someone else.

   "vera, I made breakfast," Danialla knocked on her sister-in-law's door. No response came from the other side, so Danialla opened the closed door and walked in. nauvera was laying on her bed, seeming to be asleep.

   "vera?" the girl muttered, "Wake up." She placed the tray on the girl's nightstand. She shook lightly to wake her up. nauvera was always a light sleeper, so even a knock on the door would wake her up. Over the shakes, nauvera still hadn't woken up.

   That was when Danialla noticed that nauvera was still and pale. "vera, c'mon wake up." she muttered. Hoping that she would wake up. She feared the unexpected.

   nauvera had always been healthy and only started to feel weak just the week before. Koa hadn't known what was happening over the week. Not seeing his mother move around as much.

   Finally, Danialla checked her pulse, wishing that her thoughts were false. When she didn't feel any, she let out a gasp. "No, no no no no. vera, you gotta wake up." she muttered, starting to feel tears come out of her eyes.

   Koa walked in to see his aunt crying into the bed where his mother laid still. "Auntie, Dani? What's wong?" Danialla looked up and wiped her tears away, giving Koa a sad smile.

   "Don't worry about it. Come on, let's eat quickly. I need to go to the palace."


   Danialla got up and took Koa's hand, closing the door behind her. She couldn't think of what would happen next. She tried to not go on the verge of a breakdown until she was alone and Koa wasn't around.

   After the two finished eating, Danialla got on Ginnsella and headed to the palace. Once they reached inside the castle, Danialla asked if she knew the whereabouts of meriel. One of the maids replied saying she was in the library, researching things. Danialla thanked her and she led Koa to the library. The little boy was in awe of the palace. He hadn't really ever been in it.

   When Danialla walked into the library, she saw meriel and Lucy sitting around a table, discussing something important. The girls heard Danialla walk in. meriel quickly saw the pain behind her friend's eyes. "Lu, can you take Koa out in the gardens?"

   Lucy nodded, she sensed that something happened. She walked over to Koa and smiled. "Let's go outside."

   Danialla stepped slowly towards, as meriel stood up. Danialla made it to the Queen's embrace and started crying. meriel soon followed. "What happened?" she finally asked.

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