19.0 initium finis

87 4 30

means in latin: beginning of the end

    The events at the Christmas ball were erased from Danialla's thoughts, as she just thought she imagined such a thing. Deep down, though, she knew that it did happen and it scared her. She never wished to even have feelings for anyone, much less kiss her nemesis that she's had since she was twelve.

    Although, Edmund still thought of it. He knew what he did was wrong, as just the following week after New Year's he'd be selecting girls to choose his wife. It was at that moment too that he learned that he truly did have feelings for Danialla. He just couldn't show them because there wasn't any way that Danialla would even sign up for the Selection. The boy would just have to accept his fate that Danialla truly couldn't be his lover.

    The day of the Selection came. Danialla agreed to go because she wanted to tease Edmund before it started. Of course, Danialla knew that Edmund would just choose one girl over all the rest that he barely knew to end it and later on break up with her. She wore a light floral blue blouse tucked into a dark, cotton floral skirt. The girl was to have a night shift that day and decided to wear something nice to the castle.

    She knocked on the door of meriel's room after checking Susan's and wasn't able to find her. The creak of the door opened before Danialla saw the black-haired girl with an urban-coloured fantasy dress on. "Dana! Such a great day, isn't it?"

    The girl nodded, "Is Susan with you by chance?" she asked. meriel shook her head.

    "She went down to Edmund's room to lecture him about his attitude today," meriel answered with a grin. "Speaking of Edmund, today's a big day for him."

    Danialla smiled, "I think you're the one that needs to go down and tell him about his attitude."

    The pregnant woman shook her head, "Nah. I'm just going to tease him when he finally realises that he's found the love of his life."

    Danialla felt a swift sadness come over her. She almost didn't want him to find another girl. She knew that he'd forget her and she'd no longer have a conrad to tease or be sarcastic with. meriel knew that Edmund had already found that love, but she wasn't sure if he ever realised it. The girl smiled, "Do you want to hear how I knew Pete was my soulmate?" she asked.

    The girl shrugged, "Sure." meriel let the girl into her large royal room. The room was tidy. Danialla's ADHD was happy seeing that Peter's room was finally clean.

    meriel sat on the cedar chest at the bottom of her bed. Danialla sat down on one of the chairs not too far from the large bed. "It was when I was swimming near the shore about a month into the Selection. I still didn't like Peter, he was always busy with the other girls or doing some royal thing. We made a bargain that if he let me swim in the ocean he could take me on a date the following day. He always had a satisfaction about me.

    "I was minding my own business as I was indeed swimming at two o'clock in the morning. I wasn't expecting any guests to come up to me. I still remember the ocean being warm and the moon bright. There was the perfect breeze. I didn't notice that Peter was watching on a rock near me. My red tail was shown perfectly through the clear water.

    "I remember seeing Peter and scowling to myself before I went up to him to not be rude. When I reached him he just grinned and looked at me before he told me that I was beautiful. Not in a joking way but in a genuine way. And when I kept looking at his facial features, I realised that he was different from what I thought he was. That he was a loyal king, a loyal man. A man that cared even if you hated him. Of course, I had you and the girls, but he was the only one ever to make me feel like I belonged. That I didn't need approval. I remember thinking that maybe I should give him a chance.

nemesis - edmund pevensie ¹Where stories live. Discover now