10.0 puer

146 4 14

meaning: latin for boy

     Six months passed and it was officially winter. It was also Edmund’s birthday the next week. He’d turn sixteen years old. It was unexpected for all things to say. Just in two years, he’d have to do a Selection for a wife. meriel and Peter’s wedding was decided to happen next summer as she is a merfairy and the water will be cold during winter and early spring. It was also their favourite time (for both Peter and Meriel) of the year. 

     Danialla was-at the moment-outside in the fresh cut of snow that came the night before. It was about a foot long, but she didn’t care. She was having fun playing in the snow just outside her house. The plans for the war were coming to a close. The war against the giants was going to be hard. Though there were some on the Narnian’s side, multiple were on their own side. 

     Rolling up a ball, she starts to make a snowman with some of the younger Narnian children in their town. She loved to babysit them all. She decided to babysit rather than work at the market. The market wasn’t getting her and her family enough, so she moved. 

     “Dai!” one of the centaurs said happily, “I have horns!”

     Danialla looked over and saw the five year old centaur holding up two sticks to the centaur’s head. She smiled at him happily.

     “So you do! Now how about we save those horns for our snowtaur?” she asked him. The centaur nodded happily and put down the sticks and started to help Danialla. 

     Another young centaur (a twin to the other) came up, “It’s cold!” she complained. Danialla smiled and got on her knees.

     “So you’re cold, Alla? How about if we take a break and go inside for hot chocolate? How does that sound?” she asked the twins. They smiled happily.

     “Yes!” Alla and Avenur tell the girl. Danialla smiled and took their hands, walking back to her small cabin. When they get in, the twins run to a small play area that Danialla had set up. The girl smiled. Something she does know is that she wants to have children if she ever gets married. Though, no girls. They always act pressy and all. She also doesn’t want to deal with her daughter dealing with periods and all.

     Danialla went over to the counter and opened the cabinet door to get the chocolate. She grabbed the chocolate and got out the milk. Pouring some into a pot, she put a fire on the stove and sat the pot on the rail. 

     “Children, don’t come to the kitchen until I tell you too, okay?” she called. 

     “Okay!” they respond. She smiled, she knew how painful it is to feel the hot stove burn as a child. She was--well still is--a rebel and would do everything her mother told her not to or things girls don’t usually do. 

     After a few minutes, she took the pot off of the stove and got two mugs, she poured the hot milk in them in them. Getting the chocolate, she dipped it into the milk and rested it there for a few minutes. Going over to the children.

    As the children drank their mugs, Danialla looked outside, thinking of her times as a young child, when the White Witch was around, during the long winter. She met Al and Tracae while playing in the snow at three years old. Though she doesn’t remember, she was too young to remember.

     “Dai?” Avenur asked. Danialla looked over at the centaur.

     “Yes, Ave?”

     “What did do you do in wintertime at our age?” he asked.

     Danialla sighed and sat down on the floor with them, “Well, we had so much fun. Playing in the snow almost everyday, mainly the things that you guys are doing. It was just. . .dark sometimes.”

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