8.0 sperduto

126 3 18

meaning: lost

‘Your last clue! How’d you manage all of this?’

     It was two weeks after Danialla started the scavenger hunt. She wasn’t able to finish the scavenger hunt the first day, during the few two weeks she worked and had been spending time with the Pevensies and Selection girls. Peter only had three left; Ikra (Fairy/(can change into a fox), meriel (merfairy), and Hadily (from Archenland). Danialla had a pretty good idea of who he was going to pick. Everytime she picked on him about her, he blushed madly. 

     Although, she was starting to get concerned. It had been three days since Al, Tracae, Edmund, and Dyson were supposed to return. She was starting to get very worried for them, including Edmund. The only thing that kept her mind off of it was work, spending time with the Pevensies, and the scavenger hunt Edmund gave her to do.

‘The last clue is this: A place where you’ll be able to relax in and watch the stars.

     She smirked, she knew exactly where it was. She went over to the pavilion and looked around for a piece of paper. She quickly noticed an iris flower hidden in a corner. She noticed a letter beside it. She chuckled at the flower, it was her favourite flower. How did Edmund know, well to say the least, he asked Tracae what kind of flowers she liked for a prank once. 

     She reached for the letter and flower, grabbing both, she opened it up to read the last clue.

     ‘You’re such a bridge, flat and dumb, I played you this whole time! Though you now can go to my room and find your sewing needle. I bet you miss it (;’

     The sewing needle. She had completely forgotten about it. She knew that the first few days she was looking for it, but never found it. 

     “That little idiot!” Danialla growled. She should’ve expected it. She ran to Edmund’s room casually, as if she wasn’t doing anything suspicious. His room had been clean since the afternoon after he left.

     She went over to his desk and examined it, finally seeing a needle. She picked it up and got a quill, ink, and paper.
     You're an idiot Edmund Pevensie. You are the worst king in the whole world!

     She put down the quill and sighed, putting her needle in her needle case that she kept with her constantly. Just then, Peter ran in, catching the girl’s attention.
     “We’re sending out a search party for them,” he told her without a stop, “You coming?” he asked concerned. She looked around, the room had been clean for so long. She faced Peter.

     “I’m in,” was all she said. She didn’t even hesitate to think she can’t use a sword, “I can cook and take care of any injuries. I don’t care what my mum says, I am going with you.”

     Peter touched her arm, “I’m not going, you and some guards are going. I have to stay here because of the Selected and I want to announce my wife when they get back.”

     She nodded, “Your brother will be going,” she frowned sadly.

     “Pete, do you think all of them are okay?” she asked him. The High King didn’t answer and bit his lip, “We don’t know Dani.”

     She sadly just nodded and looked down, Peter grabbed her arm, “You guys will find them. I promise you.”

     She just nodded, “When am I leaving?”

     “Tomorrow at four. Go home, get packed. Come back later tonight and get your sword that you will be using for any reason. Your brother has said you know how to swing it and all, and food and medical things. Tell your parents I have signed you to this and you will go. They won’t be able to refuse me.”

     She gave him a hug with tears in her eyes. She knew very little sword fighting, but she also knew that Peter and Edmund didn’t know too much about sword fighting while fighting the Battle of Beruna.

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