Part 11;

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When it was time to board the plane you got your passports and waited in the cue, noticing Cory in the line 'shit' you accidentally said out loud. "Laura, don't stay stuff like that Lexi will hear you." Your mum angrily said.. "Mum, she's 1..she will not understand what I'm saying any way." You said whilst looking down at her in the pram. She was the cutest littlest sister you've ever had. "If she says that word whilst we're at Sydney I'm blaming you." she said whilst pushing the pram to the woman then showing her all your passports. "Have a nice flight." The woman said whilst handing your passports back. You walked to the plane and got Lexi out of her pram and gave it to a flight attendant waiting at the bottom of the stairs. When you reached your seats you noticed Cory sat behind you. "That's all I need." You shouted in your head whilst fake smiling at him. You sat in your seat and got out your phone to text skip before setting off. "On the plane now, I'll call you when I get in Sydney." he text back straight away saying he loved you.. then you felt a tap on your shoulder, turned around and Cory was sat there.."who's that?" He cheekily asked... "We' boyfriend." You replied. He just looked at you with confusing. "Oh.. That won't be a problem.. maybe I can win you over right now." You sighed ... no.. That won't be necessary.." Harley looked over to you.. "Just turn around Laura.." He said. So you did and it was then time to set off, you switched off your phone and prepared yourself for takeoff.

*touch down in sydney*

After you had got your luggage your uncle greeted you at the airport. "Nice to see you all! Now hurry. Lets get back!" He said whilst directing you to his massive car. You sat next to Lexi who was fast on in her child seat looking incredibly cute. You got out your phone and took a photo of her and then went to text skip. "I've landed, ill be sure to bring you a present back;)' you text him.

When you got to your aunties house you had a tour around the house which was ten times bigger than yours. You then reached a room what was shut, she made you follow her and you were surprised by your other cousins from England. "Omg what a surprise!" Your mum said screeching running over to her nieces and nephews. You hugged everyone and then got freshened up and then went out for a family meal.

Your cousin who lives in Sydney went off to meet a bunch of friends and asked you to come so you set off and went to meet them at the park, you got on talking about the janoskians and how your relationship with skip is going. When you had finished talking you arrived at the park. CORY WAS THERE. "He's everywhere!" You said.. Your cousin looked at you in a confused way.. 'What?' .. 'Well I met Cory at the airport and he knocked my coke over then got me another coke and wrote his number on it and we was sat I front of them on the plane and he said he's going to get with me and I'll finish skip.' She looked at you with shock.'lets just hope that doesn't happen.. I'm good friends with him.. That's why he's flown over to see me." She added. 'Why can't he go out with you then? I've got a boyfriend.' You chuckled. 'We'll see' she winked as you reached them. Cory came over to you. "Nice seeing you again." Came over and grabbed you in for a hug. At first you didn't want to but his bugs were so cuddly and he smelt gorgeous. "Yeah course." You said like you wasn't bothered but he was actually a really attractive guy. You stopped as you were getting a call. Skip was skyeping you. "Hey skip" you said whilst accepting. "how you doing?" He said with a huge smile on his face. And then lead you on to a Skype conversation with him for ages.. "Right I'm going now lauraa, ill talk to you later.. I love you.' And blew you a kiss so you caught it and placed it in yours. "I love you too, ill see you soon!" You replied back and ended the Skype call. "You two are so cute!" Your cousin Rose said whilst swinging on the swing. Then you got another text message, this time from Faye. "Hope you're enjoying Sydney.. Beau's taking me out tonight for a romantic meal." She said with 10 million faces. So you text back saying "that should be fun, have a good night! Don't get pregnant!" You joked. "Back to mine for drinks?" Rose said whilst walking away making everyone follow.

You all were drinking so much. Every drink you had Cory were getting more and more attractive and you couldn't stop yourself from drinking. He came and sat next to you and starred at you. You tried to stop yourself a couple of times but you just let go. He placed his hand on your cheek and placed his lips on yours. It was passionate and so slow and you didn't want to back away from it because it would've left you wanting more so you carried on. He suddenly jurked back because Ross threw a pillow at you. "I think it's time for you to leave Cory, and it's time for you to sober up Laura.' She demanded so Cory left and one of roses friends helped you up the stairs into bed.

The next morning you woke up with such a banging headache.. *knock knock* someone knocked on your door making you sit up. 'Come in' your voice croaked. Rose walked in with some breakfast and came sat down on your bed. 'What was all that about' she firmly asked. 'With Cory? I don't know! I know I shouldn't have and I feel so bad, like I just want to go home, forget about it. Pretend it never happened. After that I realised skip is the one for me no one else." She looked up at you.. "I won't tell anyone.. Not even skip.. And I'll get Cory not go tell anyone." She said which took a load of your shoulder. "Ok well get ready when you've eat that we're going to water park.. Just the family." She giggled.

When you reached the water park there was too many beautiful boys. What skip don't know won't hurt him.. Looking wont do no harm. You thought to yourself.. But if you kissed any more boys then it wouldn't be right on skip so you focused on your family and had fun at the water park most of the day till you got really sunburned and had to be taken to hospital because you started getting blisters. You decided to text skip and tell him so he wouldn't really worry.. But he panicked and phoned you. "ARE YOU GOING TO BE OK?" He nearly shouted down the phone. "Skip chill out, the blisters are not even big. Ill be fine." He then seemed calm afterwards. "You can always phone me." Skip said. "I know, that's what I already do." It came off a bit harsh. "I'm sorry, I love you." you added. "It's okay I love you loads too. Text me." He said and put phone down.

You then got let out at the hospital and the next few days were resting. But when you finally could go out you were outs with Cory, his friends, Rose and some of her girls. You were walking outside Roses house and started walking down the street. Cory put his arm around you but you tried to get him off. 'Don't do that cause skips here." Rose said. "what?!?' You added. You turned around to see skip stood at the taxi outside roses. You finally pushed Cory off your shoulder but skip had already gone off in the taxi and James was stood there with the suitcases. "Laura? What's going on?" You ran passed him and got the park and sat on the bench crying until a arm got placed on your shoulder, you knew it was James. He sat beside you "what's going on?" He asked. "It's not what it looks like. I promise James, he's been doing this the whole time, I can't get him off my case!" You said crying harder at this time. "Skips the one I want, I love him, he's the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I mean that James." He looked at you and pulled you into a hug. "We came to surprise you because we knew you weren't very well" a tear fell and landed on his jacket making you both laugh. "What am i going to do! He's never going to take me back." You cried. "He will, if skip truly loves you and sees that the lad had his arm around you & not the other way around he will take you back.' "James you're the cutest." And hugged him tighter making you cry more, then James noticed Cory come around the corner. "It's better off it you left mate" James said so you looked up and saw Cory. You got up and went towards him. "Don't ever come near me again!" You said whilst getting pulled back by James then you saw skip walking around the corner. It's all going to kick off now.

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