Part 13;

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The next morning you got woke up by your phone buzzing on the dresser at the side. You flung your hand from under the duvet and grabbed it to check what the buzzing was. Your eyes were blurry so you tried looking at it but put it back down on the side and turned to skips side of the bed but noticing he wasn't there. Then you looked over to James' bed and he wasn't there either so you laid back down and just stared at the ceiling admiring the great details of the swirls. A noise came from the door and toddled in James and skip. "We've brought you a maccies breakfast!" Skip said with a grin on his face. You sat up and scoffed it down in no time. "Are you going to go back to your aunties today?" Skip said whilst shoving food in his mouth. You looked down at your breakfast and sighed 'I don't want to but I know I'll have to' you replied. 'Don't worry, I'll be coming too' he replied smiling.

So after breakfast you got ready and headed back to your aunties house. You approached and your mum came over and hugged you 'are you alright now?' She said then kissed top of your head. 'Im fine now mum it's alright!" ..'good in glad' she replied. So you went into the room with skip and James. In walked rosé and James couldn't keep his eyes off her. You nudged skip and nodded over to James. "James stop starring" he said whilst laughing. He went bright red and rose sat next to James. "It's alright" and winked. Skip was laid on you and he jerked back 'your phones ringing babe' he said looking at you. You pulled it out and the caller was Faye.

"Hey faye! Not spoke in ages!"

"Faye: Guess what?"


"Faye: me and beau are coming to sydney! We're at the airport"

"WHATTTTTTTTTTT ARR YOU REALLY" skip started asking what was up..

"Faye: yes! I'll speak in a bit, were about to board the plane"

"OMG OMG OMG ill talk to you later bye!" and then you put the phone down and placed it on your lap. "Who was it?" Skip asked. "It was faye, her and beau are on their way over" skip looked so pleased because beaus the one he gets on with most "Omg!" He replied. He laid down and then realised your phone was on your lap and moved it so he could lay down his head. "Here" and handed you it. So you put it on side if settee and started playing with his hair whilst watching the film that was playing on telly. In no time you found him fast on. "Laura, take a photo of him and put it on twitter" James said quietly. So you slowly got your phone, uploaded it to twitter and put 'all he ever does!' as the caption. Your mentions got spammed with tweets saying he was the cutest sleeping. You smiled and looked at skip and started stroking top of his head. "I feel like such a lucky girl to have skip as my boyfriend." you said looking at James and rose. "You are, and skips a very lucky boy to have such an amazing girl like you. Promise you that." James said. 'Id get up and hug you right now James but I don't want to wake him." You said to James. 'Maybe later." He replied.

2 hours had passed. And you were all fast on in the living room until your mum woke you up tapping on your shoulder. "Fayes at the door" she whispered. "Yay!" You started moving skip, you lifted him off your lap and placed him back down on the settee. You went to the corridor and there was faye and beau. Running over and pulling them into a cuddle. 'Ive missed you both' you said smiling. "We've missed you too." "Where's skip?" Beau said "in room asleepl you replied. He ran in got out his phone and got keek up. "Can I wake him up?" "Yeah he's been asleep long enough." You said. So beau knelt down and shouted 'wake up cunt!' Skip fell off the settee and woke up 'ahhhhhhh' he shouted. Beau turned the camera around to him and said 'now that's how you wake up a janoskian!" And stopped the keek. "Me and faye decided we're going for lunch in Sydney because we can, you fags can do whatever you want." Faye laughed and went over to beau and have him a hug and kiss. "Don't I get one." Skip said messing about. "Fine" so you went over and he hugged you tightly and kissed you. He let go and you walked off "Smell you later" he laughed. "So mature of you skip" you grabbed your bags and got your mum to take you to the shopping centre and went into some little fancy café. You ordered food and went and sat down on a table looking out onto people shopping. "So then what happened with you and beau whilst I was gone?" Faye laughed and looked at her drink. "Not much, we hung out, went to that fair again, went out clubbing, went to beach." "Did you bang?" You said. Faye laughed hysterically she couldn't catch her breath. "Maybe..." She replied. "You can tell me, I'm your best mate. just like im telling you this...last night james walked in on me and skip, major cringe." Faye laughed "nah nothing like that happened." And you both burst out laughing but getting cut off by food arriving. The waiter placed it on the table and said to enjoy the meal and walked away. A few minutes later a girl was stood at your table. "We're fine thank you." Faye said thinking it was a waiter but it wasn't it was a fan. "Oops sorry!" She said whilst blushing. "Are you skip and beaus girlfriends?" A fan asked shyly. "Yes we are, what can we do for you babe?" You replied, "it would be great if me and my friend could have a picture, it would be fine if you didn't want to because I know you're eating. I can come back later if you want?' The fan was super kind so you had photos with them, "where are the boys now?" She asked. "Probably sucking each others dicks" you laughed "no no they're being fags and sitting in watch tele" the fan laughed, "it was nice meeting you." The fan said. You noticed she bought food from the café you were in. 'Why don't you join us, we don't mind." So you got on talking about the boys. The fans had their backs to the shopping centre and beau and skip were stood there. " would you like to meet skip and beau?" Faye asked. "Yeah but that's not possible." One of the fans said. "Turn around," you added. And the fans squealed as the turned around. They got of their chairs and went over to the boys, telling them how much they loved them and such. Then they followed them on twitter. "Thanks Laura and faye, but we better be going now. Have a nice day!" Then they walked off jumping with excitement. The boys joined you and sat on the seats opposite. Stares were suddenly looking in your direction. 'Why is everyone starring at us?' Faye asked concerned but let out a little laugh. 'Im not sure but let's hurry up and get out of here" you replied. You got up and skip and beau tapped each other on the shoulder and then ran off. 'What the fuck!' Faye turned to you and asked. 'Ant got a clue' you laughed and then phoned skip asking where car was so you went and stood outside it. After a while the boys came running reaching the car struggling to breathe. 'What the hell happened?' You looked at skip sharply. 'We was doing some filming and beau eat some chewing gum out of shop without paying and security guard was chasing us then we sat with your in food place and we came out & saw the security guard and then we legged it." He finished. "Oh you idiots, lets hurry up and go then." Faye added. But it was too late the security guard caught up.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2013 ⏰

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