Part 9;

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Beau and Skip went outside whilst you and Faye were stood at the window keeping a look out to see if you could see any one walking past. 'I feel like I'm In the FBI or something.' Faye joked whilst peeking through the curtain to getting stopped by Beau running after this person down the drive. 'What the fuck who's that?' you confusedly said. 'I know Beau told us to stay inside but I want to see who it is.' Faye said. So you went out the side door and ran down to the path to where they were. 'I told you to stay in side.' Skip said to you. 'Yeah but this looks entertaining.' you replied. Beau was holding on to the person so he pulled down their hood. 'ahh shitttttt! it's the girl who knocked me over' you literally screamed. You ran back inside and locked the door behind you. You creeped to the front room window and opened the window to hear them speaking. 'Why did you do that to Laura?' skip said angrily. 'I wanted to become closer to you.' she replied. 'What by hurting my girlfriend? are you silly or something.' Skip said whilst walking around in circles. 'Do you hate me Skip?' the fan said. 'Well yes, but if you say sorry I will forgive you, and I hope you don't do anything as stupid as what you did before ever again, Laura was in hospital because of you.' the fan looked shocked 'I didn't mean for this to happen, I'm truly sorry.' 'Okay, i take the apology... but I'd rather not see you again.' She agreed and Beau took her off Daniel's premises and locked the gate behind him. 'Oh hey Daniel's mum.' Beau said looking over the gate. 'quick tell Laura to open the door' Skip whispered to Faye, so she ran to the window and mouthed 'open the door, daniel's mums here.' so you did and let them in. 'Daniel, what just happened why was Beau throwing out a girl?' Daniel's mum asked. 'oh you know Beau, he always has women attached to him' he joked. 'Alright, well I'm going to bed, night you lot, and Daniel remember to lock the door.' and then blew him a kiss. 'You're mum is so cute.' Faye said whilst sitting on the settee. 'Staying here tonight bitches?' Daniel asked Beau and Faye. They both just nodded. 

You carried on watching the film but were getting pretty tired.

It was passed midnight and you all decided to go to bed. Beau and Faye headed of to the spare room. Daniel walked to his and then walked to the spare room where Beau and Faye were sat. 'Just in case.' Skip threw a box of condoms on the bed. Beau laughed 'urm, thanks?' He turned back around 'please, not too loud, my mum's in bed, and we are just along the corridor.' he winked then returned to his bedroom. 'I've just gave them a lil present, a little something to wrap his willy.' you flung down on the bed and started laughing but the stitches on your head made you stop. 'ouch' you said rubbing the area around it. 'are you alright?' skip asked. 'Yeah I'm ok.' You stood up and started getting undressed. 'What's that?' he randomly said. 'What's what?' you replied confusedly. 'The marks on your side.' you checked and all your side was badly bruised. 'what the hell, I didn't see this earlier?' you said confusedly. 'let me get you some cream.' Skip replied. He was the most carest person in the whole wide world and you were so lucky to have him. 'Here lay down' he said whilst warming up the cream in his hands. Then he applied the cream to your bruised side. 'Does it hurt?' he said. 'Not really' you replied. You were falling to sleep because it was that relaxing. He rubbed it in and you just got straight in bed without even putting your pj's on. You shuffled along to Skip and cuddled against his naked chest listening to every heart beat. 'I love you, you mean the world to me.' you said looking up. 'I love you too, night.' and kissed him slowly. 

The next morning you got woke up by Beau talking loudly down the corridor. You opened your eyes and saw Skip wasn't there. You checked your phone and looked at the time which was 11am. You stretched as the door creeped open.

'It's just me.' Skip said entering the room with a full English breakfast. 'Hope your hungry.' he smiled. 

You sat up with great difficulty. He handed you the tray with your breakfast and juice. 'I'm just going to get ready.' he said whilst turning around to shuffle to the bathroom. You digged in your breakfast and when you finished Skip returned. 'We can go out today if you're up to it, shopping, dinner then a movie?' he asked. 'Yeah sounds great. I'm up for it.' He took away your tray as you got up to get ready.  

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