Part 10;

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Your mum made you go upstairs and pack straight away, so you got out your bag from under your bed and plonked yourself down and sighed not knowing what to pack and how much stuff to take. Getting more and more stressed you text skip.. "I'm off to Sydney for a few days to see my aunty so I won't see you xxx' After that you finally got up to start packing. Just staring in your wardrobe looking clueless your mum walked in. 'Laura what are you doing?' She exclaimed. "I don't even know what to pack." You moaned and shoved your hair back dramatically. 'Anything, surely you can buy clothes over there.' She added. So you picked up tops/leggings/pairs of vans and converse and other essentials and threw them in your suitcase and then your phone flashing caught the corner of your eye. Picking it up from the drawer it was a text message from skip that read 'what? how am I going to cope? We've not been apart ever since we've been together' and there was a selfie of him with his bottom lip out attached to the text. "Don't worry I'll FaceTime you ;)" you replied and put your phone back down on charge.

*knock knock* Harley knocked before coming into your bedroom. "Who's your boyfriend then?" He said whilst moving your bag out of the way so he could sit down. "Do you know the janoskians? Who I made you watch back home in England?" you replied. He sat there for a bit not replying then a massive 'ohhhhh yeah!' Came from him. 'It's Daniel right! You're dating one of the janoskians! You are famous.' He laughed. You threw one of your vans at him 'nah shut up' you added. Then it lead to you fighting, play fighting. Pushing each other of the bed, rugby tackling each other, throwing punches, kicking, everything. "LAURAAAAAAA HARLEYYYY STOP FIGHTING!!' Your mum screeched up the stairs making you stop and laugh. "She's such a faggot." Harley said standing up and straightening his jacket out. "I'll catch you tomorrow bright and early for our flight to Sydney." He faked smiled and walked to his room. So you got ready for bed and text skip and fell asleep.

The next morning you woke up by your mum making lots of noise in your bedroom. 'Do you have to?' you moaned at her. 'You are not a morning person!' She said whilst walking out. 'Oh and get up as soon as possible, we have to be at the airport soon.' She added. You dragged your self out of bed picked some clothes and shuffled to the bathroom to get changed and freshened up and dashed downstairs for something to eat. You finished up and went back upstairs for your suitcase, which weighed a ton to say you were only going for a couple of days. You were dragging it downstairs because its too heavy to hold and it was bagging against the stairs. "Oi do you have to?' Harley said whilst walking outside with his man bag. 'Just get a bag like mine.' He said passing on the stairs. "Well I'm not like you, wearing the same clothes for 5 days." you prepared yourself for a hit on the arm but instead he laughed and put his bag near the door and put his shoes on.

"Come one guys get in the car." Mum said walking passed you through the front door making you both lead behind her. "Last one out shut the door." she said. You placed your bags in the back of your dads car and headed of to the airport which was lucky enough near your house. When you had arrived you did the usual and sat down waiting for the plane but hunger took over so you went to look for food.. "McDonalds it is!" Harley said leading the way. You ordered food and went to sit down with it but a boy with brown hair that looked so soft hit your arm knocking your coke over on the tray. "Omg I'm so sorry!" the boy said worriedly. You picked up your cup and placed it upright and looked up at the boy, instantly clicking when you looked into each others eyes. "I'm Cory." He said smirking at you. "I-I'm Laura." You said stuttering. "I'm sorry for knocking your coke over..I'll buy you another one." You didn't accept it but he got you one and took no for an answer.. "Here.. Take it.." He said giving you a half smile. You thanked him and went to sit down noticing a number written on the cup and it said 'text me sometime, Cory.x' You looked at it but then realised you had a boyfriend, then you remembered to look at your phone. You opened your phone to see some texts and missed calls from skip. "You arrived at the airport?!?xxxx' was the latest one. You felt awful so you text him back 'just got to the airport, sorry I didn't see the calls and texts my phone was in my bag! Xxxxxx' you existed the text when it sent and was debating on whether saving Cory's number...... You were eating your chips and just looking at your phone. "Laura what you doing." He then noticed the number on the coke cup. "No you can't.. you've got a boyfriend." He said... Now that's the brother that you love and wouldn't change for the world. but you took a photo of it whilst he wasn't looking. "Okay.. Chuck it in the bin for me bro." you said whilst moving the cup towards him so he stood up and went to the bin. Then you saw Cory looking at you and doing the signs for phone me... you shrugged your shoulder and just pointed to your phone and stood up waiting for Harley to return. He was a very good looking boy but it would be really wrong on skip seems as though you've not been together very long and you love him loads. You walked back off with Harley and returned to your mum and dad and it was then nearly time to board the plane to Sydney. Do you text Cory or not???

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